A Hoppy Fathers Day Present

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Hi all,

I just bought 4 hop rhizomes from ebay from here through a seller called "hopswest". As soon as I did a very helpful email was sent to me on how to plant them etc - brilliant stuff really! Hopefully they'll be here on Friday.

Ordered Cascade, Goldings, Hallertau and Hersbrucker.

Thanks to the brilliant AHB forums :icon_cheers: I was able to find all the info I needed. I also found out from the latest Beer and Brewer mag that they are extremely hardy and almost weed like (a bit like bamboo). So because of this I've decided to try and grow them in pots (truth is the missus decided for me :p ). In case anyone else is interested then this link has some tips on growing in containers.

Ill post my quest to grow healthy potted hops as I go in case it helps anyone.

Nice work, get them into the biggest pot you can otherwise they will dry out over summer.

Expect good rhizome growth in year 1, then good flowers growth in year 2 onwards.

You may get flowers in your first year though too...
Thanks for the advice Raven - They say it'll be a hot summer too, its already un-seasonally hot in Sydney.

Be good to hear from anyone else who's tried growing Hops in containers - esp in East Sydney.
Hey rod,

I am in SW Sydney and bought a Cascade and Goldings from hopwest recently. Excellent service as you say. They came up 2 weeks ago after being planted for a month. I am growing in 120L half wine barrels. Pics in the tipping hop bines thread. Going well so far.

Good luck with yours mate.
Hi there roddersf,

I just ordered some rhizomes from hopswest as well, and received them in the mail today. I got a goldings, hersbrucker and 2 cascade rhizomes. I ended up paying $58 altogether including postage, and I was also lucky enough to receive a free extra cascade rhizome! Pretty happy with that.

I have planted them in the large, black ex-recycling containers and covered with a goodly layer of straw. It'll no doubt be a long, dry summer here so I'll try hard to give them a bit of water every day. I have a chinook plant which is slowly starting to peek through the soil now. That is in its second year so I really hope for cones!
I've just received my Cascade, Perle, Hersbrucker and Goldings from Hopswest. Excellent service I must say. Have got them into the ground tonight per the excellent instructions, up against a 15' high fence, which will soon be clad in trellis. Looking forward to seeing the shoots appear. My wife reckons she has never seen me this excited in the garden. I bet the tomatoes will be going in next.

And yes, my first post, been quietly watching since Feb.

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