Hey guys,
I did a quick search but couldn't find anything. I am looking at making the move to BIAB and am in need of a bag. As I am currently unable to get to spotlight for some swiss voille, I was wondering if this stuff thatCraftbrewer sells is the same/similar thing? Has anyone used it for a full 5-6kg grain mash in an urn??
That's always an option, Scruffy does that with just a square of material and does some amazing grain bills. If you have a skyhook then get some thick awning cord and do yourself a hangman's noose for hoisting after you have gathered all the loose ends together and formed a 'neck' for the noose to hold onto, and that should work.
matr that sounds good using the ss mesh, good way to get round all the food safe nazis around here at times.
heres a smaller version of the food thermos
You trying to close our thread Mick...you've bumped a somewhat old and finished thread...
You are right Pat, I shouldn't be encouraging others to be long time lurkers like me, otherwise no one would post anything and I wouldn't have anything new to read. I am continually amazed at how much intelligent information is on here if you look and was trying to save old mate Chookers from a potentially embarrasing moment on a serious AG thread with some polite but to the point etiquite advice.You trying to close our thread Mick. We were just having a little rest
This thread is always open for BIAB questions or input. We haven't even hit 2,000 posts yet.
Can't see your original post now Chookers but from what I remember it wasn't BIAB-specific so Mick's advice was good. Hope you got your question answered.
Holy cow now I'm off topic...
I'm thinking of making a bag stand(false bottom), pick up and stainless tap to my BIAB pot and trying to step mash and sparge. Should I persevere with this or start thinking about a seperate lauter tun.