Visiting the Granite Belt and strolling down the street in Stanthorpe a few hours ago.
There it was outside an op shop.
Heavy duty SS perfect condition 1970s specimen of cask loveliness.
My wallet was a blur as I ripped my thigh open extracting it.
It will heal.
Last time I saw a nine was in 1978 at a wedding. They were the baby bro of the kegs still used in pubs before going to the can o beans shape in the 80s.
Note the spile hole, you would order it via a pub for a wedding or sports day and it would arrive from XXXX charged with unpasteurized XXXX lightly pressured to a good CO2 volume. Pop it onto a trestle on its side and control serve using spile peg.
I'll be bringing this up to Winkles case swap full of bright Yorkie. Need to determine thread pitch for a tap of course.
Off for a **** now. Cheers.