timmi9191 said:
I hear you also, yob.. But mark webber won't go as fast in a Mazda 3 and even Maro Pierre White can't make strawberry jam without strawberries..
Mark Webber can probably drive around a track in a Mazda 3 faster than any one of us in his Red Bull F1 car. Because he has the underlying knowledge, skills, and experience to get a vehicle around a track quickly and an F1 car is so technologically advanced to us that it is not drivable. Part of my point is that
understanding, knowledge, skills, and experience of the process of mashing, boiling, adding hops will result in a better result (almost) regardless of the equipment. Just read the manual.
Where it becomes important is where the process gets slightly off track (power failure, temp incorrect, pump failure, etc, etc) and the experience to calculate this problem into the process and come up with a work-around. You can spend $30 on BIAB in Big W 20L stainless pots on electric cooktop and you are forced to understand the process to get things to work. Or you can spend $3500 on a Brau 50L which pings and beeps, controls the temp, and recirculates, etc, etc. If something goes wrong with the Brau 1/2 way through and you have no knowledge you are screwed.
So knowledge and experience is key. You can choose one system, produce good beer and never change because you fluked upon a combination that you understand and can work with. Or you can go from BIAB to 3V to 4V + herms to a 200L Brau back to $20 Big W pots, etc, etc and never get the understanding and knowledge to work out how a system that is placed before you can be used to produce decent beer.
You are producing beer that you think is better than commercial and your free-loading family and friends think it is great. Tinker with your current system and understand the process. Learn where gadgets can make your brew day more accurate/repeatable or easier. Don't add gadgets just cause you have an itch. I'm part of that crowd and we really don't need another guy crowding the space.
Edit: just realised my post was quite long and I should qualify it by saying that I have only made 1 AG brew so I am extremely knowledgable and should be listened to. :chug: :blink: