2nd Fridge For Storing Beer

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Lucky enough to live in sunny QLD. Only suitable storage place available for filled PET bottles is in garage where temperature fluctuates between 20 and 32C on hot days. Is a second fridge to store (not lagering) the beer at a more constant (& lower temp) the way to go - my first fridge is constantly in use as a fermentation fridge. Or should I not worry?
Lucky enough to live in sunny QLD. Only suitable storage place available for filled PET bottles is in garage where temperature fluctuates between 20 and 32C on hot days. Is a second fridge to store (not lagering) the beer at a more constant (& lower temp) the way to go - my first fridge is constantly in use as a fermentation fridge. Or should I not worry?
i use a chest freezer with an stc1000 (fridgemate ) controller on it and set to 22 degrees for storing kegs, uses bugger all power at this setting, i have lost a few kegs when i stored at "shed" temp when the mercury climbed over 30deg.
just give a good clean each week to keep the mould away.
Lucky enough to live in sunny QLD. Only suitable storage place available for filled PET bottles is in garage where temperature fluctuates between 20 and 32C on hot days. Is a second fridge to store (not lagering) the beer at a more constant (& lower temp) the way to go - my first fridge is constantly in use as a fermentation fridge. Or should I not worry?
If I were you, I'd be looking for one.
Does your fermentation fridge have a freezer above it? Mine did, when the fridge was set at 16.5C-18C, the freezer was running at 4-7C. I did notice a difference to some beers in it, but not all.
If you have the space go for another fridge should be nice to have a beer store. I don't have that luxury so all my beers have to be stored at ambient which never gets below 22C or above 35C. Most don't lay around long enough to go off. I just stick the ones for drinking into my normal food fridge a day or two before.

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