2112 California Lager - Sulphur Production.....

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The BJCP guide indicates that sulfury characters are out of style for a California Common, however, my current brew with 2112 is kicking out quite a lot of sulfur!

Has anyone else had this? Will it go away before I need to bottle it for competition?
I recently did an Australian Standard Lager on this yeast as an experiment, and it pumped out heaps of sulphur, and at the end of the day it is still not as clean as I would like. I wouldn't recommend this as a 'clean' yeast, others may have different opinions.

Edit: further information, I used this yeast because I wanted to do a lager that didn't take four months to complete. I started the fermentation at 15 and it frothed out of the airlock, so I cleaned it up and dropped to 13 for about 2 weeks and it smelled like a rotten egg farm whenever I opened the fermenting fridge. It had a low krausen on top for the whole 2 weeks. Then I racked it, dropped it to about 5 degrees for two weeks and bottled. Then it took 3 weeks for the haze to drop, still not crystal clear, and has a bit of a sulphur 'nose' still. Won't be using this yeast again.
Well if it is kicking it off you may be able to get rid of it.
It is not unusual though that the trub bring sulphur compound that may be absorbed into the ferment.

Just allow it to ferment at right temps and allow the yeast to clean up the worst of it prior bottling.
Is this an AG or Partial or Kit?
What temperature are you fermenting at?

As a lager yeast, it will probably still kick out sulphur compounds even at a warmer temperature, but they should go away if you've had a healthy ferment. I've only brewed with this yeast twice but never had any trouble. Too long ago to remember fine detail though.
My 1st lager was with thius yeast, rathery sulphur driven aromas coming from the fermenter but with a signifigant ramp up at the end of fermentation mine finished quite clean, with around 1 months conditioning the CAP i brewed was rather delish. I cannot remember it tasting/smelling of sulphur post lagering but i do remember the beer was good enough for me to brew a few other lagers post that one.

This stuff is made to be be fermenting at 15-18c, just give it time to allow any co2 to carry off any sulphur. If no sulphur, then you cant smell much or its a bonus!

Must have fermented in about 2-3 days??

Matti : Is this an AG or Partial or Kit?

Its an all grain california common recipe

Kai : What temperature are you fermenting at?

Currently sitting at 17c, controlled by a fridgemate. Pitched at 21c and brought it down within 18 hours to 17c

/// : Must have fermented in about 2-3 days??

Pitched Saturday at around noon, still bubbling along happily today (Wednesday)

Smelled the air-lock this morning, still throwing sulfur, but at a reduced rate now, when I open up the brewery I am not confronted with the smell. Its odd, my last use of 2112 produced no sulfur at all and the resultant beer was superb, I was hoping to replicate it.
The sulphur will come out with the co2 - if desperate you can push co2 thru it to strip it out.

Recently fermented a Cal Common with this yeast @16/17degC, no sulphur detected at all.

Cheers SJ
I've only used 2112 twice, (only one has finished, one still chewing). The first one i did a 2L starter, and fermented it at 11 to 12 deg, took between 2 and 3 weeks, but was dropped clean as a whistle no gelatine, no filter, and came out brilliant. can't say I had any sulphur in the finished, and as for the ferment, perhaps, but was out in the cave so really didn't notice if it did or not. Maybe not very helpful, but thought I'd add my experience.

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