Masters Brewery - Big Bastard Belgian
It's 12:40AM. I didn't want to go back outside to the Keezer. I had three options. This, I-a-n's porter that I'm trying to give as mug conditioning time as possible and a 1L squealer of To Ol's bourbon barrel aged coffee imperial stout weighing in at 10.1%
I think I've made a smart choice
This one also poured with no head. It actually looked completely still, but then I could see some signs of life as the glass filled.
The aroma is fairly unassuming. There's some chocolate, plum, raisin and belgian yeast notes.
The taste kicks this thing up a notch and the body and carb level are working great together.
After noticing my head swimming after a quarter of a glass I decided to check the label. 12%... Maybe I didn't make a smart choice.
To be fair, it doesn't taste like a 12% beer. Yeah, there's some booze. But it's not hot or unpleasant. The rate matches the aroma pretty well. Maybe add some plums.
I'm enjoying this and I think it might end my night. Cheers, mate.
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