Grainier - whiskey aged oak RIS
I have to admit, due to a recent comment I almost wanted to not like this beer. Things have been rough lately and sometimes people say something at the wrong time and they can have a bigger effect than they should. Now, petty ******** aside...
The aroma on this is fantastic. I got a touch of Vegemite when I smelled it out of the bottle, but once in the glass that disappeared and left nothing but amazing scents of choc milk, booze, choc milk, a touch of whiskey and oak and more choc milk.
It poured with no head or sign of carbonation, but I could see how thick and velvety it looked so I wasn't worried.
This beer is smooth. Easily the smoothest 11% homebrew I've tried. I think a comparison to one of my favorite barrel aged beers, Boat Rocker's Ramjet is a fair one. It had that beautiful choc milk taste with just enough whiskey and oak that compliments it in a perfectly balanced way.
The mouthfeel is viscous and velvety. It's about as close to perfect as I think you can hope to get. Just enough lingers on the palette without feeling sticky.
I'm going to be really disappointed when I finish this glass. Mate, you smashed it out of the park with this one. If you're willing to share recipe and process, I'm all ears.

The photo really doesn't do it justice.