Here's the rules
Announcing a call for entrants for the 4th Funky Beer Swap.
Every year I have been amazed at the range and quality of the beer's that we get in the Funky Beer swap. If Sour/Funky beers are your thing, get on board.
The 2012 swap has been timed so that the swap can be done at or around the ANHC (25th-27th october), failing that, courier delivery seems reasonably priced for australia wide delivery.
The swap will occur at the end of october 2013 (beers Must have reached the swap point before or on the 25th of october to facilitate swapping
Please only submit deliberately funked/soured beers that are of a pleasing nature!
The actual swap will occur via post/courier in October or by hand delivery.
Please provide either 2 x 330ml or 1 x 750mL bottle/s per person
Your swap contribution may be made up of different beers i.e. 6 bottles of flanders red, 6 of lambic.
To be a part of this case swap please add your name and proposed brew to the following list.
I can't seem to find an upper limit on people but I think it was 14 entrants. We can revise as needed.