2007 Brewing Totals

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just under 500L this year but it was a quiet one :)
Slow year again for me, approx 120L.

[edit] But it was quality, not quantity :D
I did 29 batches of varing sizes. Some where quite small. Say 500 Litres all up.

I must have drank maybe 300 Litres of that, and then there's red wine. Say 5 cases.

Hmm, I must review that this year. No wonder I'm getting Gout...

Thought it was going to be a 2,000L+ year & started off on track, but just been too busy over the last 6 months...

Managed 1270L though B)

Cheers Ross
I have no frigin idea.. :blink:
I think i will start keeping track of brews, recipies, etc.
i want to get serious this year and brew some "to style" Beers..
Instead of the usual suspects..

Sqyre... ;)
Why add it up a the end of the year? Do this:

365days (is it a leap year?) multiplied by daily avg consumption= 365*1.5L
Minus AFD's: SFA :eek:
Equals 547.5L :D

I brewed at leas that much! :p :lol:

I look like a bit of a lightweight here too.

308 tallies ~ 230L + 23L ready to bottle

13 batches - 3 of those were ginger beers

More importantly for me I broke out of my <Morgans Lager + Brew Boost + Hop Teabag> cycle

Started using Iodophor and did my first (and second) toucan


14 x 23 L = 322L.

That doesn't include cider, ginger beer and meads.
Just had a look.

Brewed 22 x 23 litre batches. I had to stop in August as I could not get any more help.

Checked beersmith and as of September this year, 325 litres.

14 Batches of ~23l.
576L between two of us ... my share was 400L.

<edit>that's down from >800L the previous two years

Approx 400L....

If I can slow my drinking rate a tad this year that amount would be about perfect for 2008 also!

15 x 23L = 345L

Boy wheres all that beer gone.
Time to go all grain
It's gotta be over 1000l. From what i remember there was 300l for the ISB big brew day + 150l of ISB rodgers + at least 10 x 60l brews. I had about 200l in cubes in the shed at 1 stage B)
Going on the amount I bottled (rather than brewed where I had a fair bit of wastage) grand total comes to:

31 batches for 530L

Bugger me, more than i thought!
I only started in September, but still managed to squeeze in 295L. Every batch was a pleasure to drink. Touch wood.

Cheers Damo
I started brewing in september and managed to get down 230 litres, thats enough for me, there were some that I'll never want to brew again, but I never had a batch fail on me.