Hello AHB Crew,
Thought I would share a few pics of my frankenstein CraftBeerPi rig capable of currently doing 10L AG batches but built for expansion. First brew under the belt on Friday night and it didn't skip a beat. Ultimately heading for a HERMS system but have a few life things going on that are currently taking precedence.
Wiring is a bit messy and still using solderless breadboard to be sorted soon but the guts of it is:-
Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Raspbian + CraftBeerPi3
2x Fotek SSR25DA Solid State Relays
2X DS18B20 Temp Sensors
1x MeanWell 15W 5v 3A Power Supply
1× 15A RCD
Mini XLR Connectors for Temp Sensors
IEC Connectors for Power
ABS Plastic Enclosure
Mash/Boil Vessel
15.1L Anko Stock Pot from Kmart
1x 240v 2000W Heating Element
1x 100mm 1/2" Stainless Thermowell
1x Weldless Bulkhead/Ballvalve Outlet
1x False Bottom
Will be adding insulation around kettle before next brew to keep mash temps closer to the mark when element is not on. CraftBeerPi autotune for the PID works pretty well tho.
Feel free to ask any questions or if anybody out there has upgrade suggestions im all ears!
Thought I would share a few pics of my frankenstein CraftBeerPi rig capable of currently doing 10L AG batches but built for expansion. First brew under the belt on Friday night and it didn't skip a beat. Ultimately heading for a HERMS system but have a few life things going on that are currently taking precedence.
Wiring is a bit messy and still using solderless breadboard to be sorted soon but the guts of it is:-
Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Raspbian + CraftBeerPi3
2x Fotek SSR25DA Solid State Relays
2X DS18B20 Temp Sensors
1x MeanWell 15W 5v 3A Power Supply
1× 15A RCD
Mini XLR Connectors for Temp Sensors
IEC Connectors for Power
ABS Plastic Enclosure
Mash/Boil Vessel
15.1L Anko Stock Pot from Kmart
1x 240v 2000W Heating Element
1x 100mm 1/2" Stainless Thermowell
1x Weldless Bulkhead/Ballvalve Outlet
1x False Bottom
Will be adding insulation around kettle before next brew to keep mash temps closer to the mark when element is not on. CraftBeerPi autotune for the PID works pretty well tho.
Feel free to ask any questions or if anybody out there has upgrade suggestions im all ears!