0 Min hop addition, HELP

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I am doing my first solo all grain BIAB, can some one please explain the 0 min hop addition, how long do I leave it in for???
Good question. Are you no-chilling, or do you have a wort chiller?

If you're not chilling I guess you'd just chuck it in at the end of the boil. If you're chilling, there are a lot of different thoughts on the matter. Traditionally people chuck them in at the end of the boil and then chill ASAP to pitching temperature, but there's debate as to whether that's really the best use of those hops.
I chuck 'em in (hop sock) at flame out & then leave for 5 minutes before whirlpooling, then another 20 minutes or so for everything to settle down

I do this whether I chill or not
Maybe try cube hopping or making a hop tea?
No chilling in a cube, do I just put them in for like 2 mins???
Cube hop the 0min addition and don't adjust hop levels the first time round. Many no-chillers use the same recipes for both chilling and non-chilling with good results. You may find it ends up more bitter than expected, so next time treat the cube hops as a 5/10/15/20min addition until you find your sweet spot for your brewery.

As for myself, I have calculated cube hops to give roughly the same bitterness as a 20min addition on my system.

sponge said:
Cube hop the 0min addition and don't adjust hop levels the first time round. Many no-chillers use the same recipes for both chilling and non-chilling with good results. You may find it ends up more bitter than expected, so next time treat the cube hops as a 5/10/15/20min addition until you find your sweet spot for your brewery.

As for myself, I have calculated cube hops to give roughly the same bitterness as a 20min addition on my system.

so how would you go about achieving the effects of 10, 5 and 0 min additions when cube hopping?? or is this not possible?
Thanks a lot fellas, I just put it in for 5 min after the boil. Seems like a bit of a waste of hops, I'm not sure I'll do it again, I'll see how it turn's out.
jamie72 said:
Thanks a lot fellas, I just put it in for 5 min after the boil. Seems like a bit of a waste of hops, I'm not sure I'll do it again, I'll see how it turn's out.
never a waste :), I do 0 min only additions for my AIPA and APA.

I calculate the recipe as if it's a 10 min only hop addition, then at flameout I put the hops (400g for 60 ltrs :) ) in and leave it for 10 or so minutes (same as I would for non 0 minute batches) then pull mu hop sock out and start the whirlpool.
Albainian said:
so how would you go about achieving the effects of 10, 5 and 0 min additions when cube hopping?? or is this not possible?
You cant