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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Bittering Problem

    The bitterness is immediately noticeable and stays in the mouth. Nothing like drinking a nice hoppy beer. If my water was a problem, I think it may show up in the other beers I brew, but it doesn't. Good thought though.
  2. M

    Bittering Problem

    Thanks for the advice. I will have a go at the options suggested and like always, experiment. I will also have a look at upgrading my Beersmith. Thanks again. Cadbury
  3. M

    Bittering Problem

    G'day, I have just tasted my American Pale Ale and it is far too bitter. Because I cool my wort in cubes, I only boil my bittering hops for 40 minutes. This gives me the right bittering because of the increased time in the cube while hot. This works fine when I only have 1 or 2 hop additions...
  4. M

    Filtering Water

    Thanks guys, I will head off to Tradelink on the weekend.
  5. M

    Filtering Water

    G'day, I have a water filter that takes the same sized hose as the clear hose that connects to kegs. The problem is I can't find a connection that joins that hose to my garden hose. I don't have water to my shed. Any ideas? Cheers, Warren
  6. M

    Beersmith Question

    Ok thanks.
  7. M

    Beersmith Question

    G'day men, I was reading a recipe where a brewer could tick a box on Beersmith to indicate whether the brew was chilled or not chilled. The reason for this is that it changed the IBU's depending on which box you ticked. Can someone inform me where this is on Beersmith? Cheers, Cadbury
  8. M

    Maize and water

    Excellent, thanks for that. Cadbury
  9. M


    I knew that, it was a joke!
  10. M


    Brewsmith, beersmith, bumsmith, I've been having a few this afternoon. Unfortunately I can't download anything due to lack of intelligence. Thanks anyway, Cadbury
  11. M

    Maize and water

    G'day Men, Sorry, a quick question. When working out the amount of water for initial mash, do I include the maize along with the grain? Cheers, Cadbury
  12. M


    G'day people, Could someone tell me where I can find Flaked Maize in Brewsmith so I can add it to my grain bill? Cheers, Cadbury
  13. M

    adjusting alcohol percentages

    G'day men, I have a recipe that I want to put down, but I want to increase the alcohol percentage. I know that I can simply add more malt, but how do I go about balancing the hop additions? Is there a rule of thumb when doing this? Cheers, Cadbury
  14. M

    Yeast Sludge

    Yes it is US-05 yeast
  15. M

    Yeast Sludge

    G'day Men, I have an ale that has stopped fermenting. On top is a thick yeast sludge. Normally I have a clearish surface before I crash chill. Should I crash chill with this sludge on top, or scoop it off? I don't really want to touch it if possible. Cheers, Cadbury
  16. M

    Infection In Beer

    G'day men, I've ben reading some posts about beers getting infections. I started off as a K&K brewer and like everybody else, I've had beers that went off before they got to the bottle or keg. I have now been all grain brewing for over three years and not had one brew go off. I have not...
  17. M

    Show Us Your Mash Paddle

    I use a pair of elbow length industrial rubber gloves with batting inners on the inside. I just put my hands in and scrunch everything up. Cadbuy
  18. M

    Do I Drop Temp?

    G'day Men, I've just fermented an all grain wheat beer and I'm wondering whether I drop the temp to drop out the yeast? Or, being a wheat beer, I leave the yeast floating around. It smells fantastic! Thanks in advance, Cadbury
  19. M

    Please Help With Recipe

    G'day Men, I have a recipe for a Brown Ale that I got off the internet. When I put it into Brewsmith, the colour indicated that it is pitch black. It is a 40 litre brew. Any help would be much appreciated. 5 kg Base malt 2.3 kg Caraaroma 500g Crystal 140 250g light chocolate malt 500g...
  20. M

    Which Grain To Use

    Thanks for that. What would constatute a large quantity in a 40 litre brew?