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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. F

    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    thunmb up mate i have notice that the beer still does not change colour but the rest is good
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    Keg Bigginer Questions

    thanks guy i was just wondering if the beer will keep absourbing co2 if left at a small pressure. I am priming my kegs with sugar to give it the initial cabonation and then i will be getting it cool and just use the co2 to dispence. i will probably try force carbonation but for now since i have...
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    Keg Bigginer Questions

    Hi guys i just have a question about kegging i have just got my first keg setup and was wondering after i have part drained a keg do you leave the gas connected or should you disconnect the gas my theory is that if you leave the gas connected even at 100 kpa discharge pressure if you left it 1...
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    Cheeap Fermenter Cooling

    Hi Guys Just a post for those new here or cant afford a fidge i live in a hot climate 40 to 46 degrees C all day every day, i am lucky to have a reverse cycle air conditioner but getting a fridge out here is a major effor and cost alot of money, so im stuck with alternate cooling methods and for...
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    Decoction Mashing

    cheers for that DrSmuurto i have updated my details, I would be interested in seeing it done or even just an all grain so may be we will see what happens
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    Brew Kettle

    Hi guys im not in the possition to buy right now but thought some one might be so i would spread the info around this person is selling 3 60 liter stainless stell pots from a comercial kitchen she wants $120 each but thats alot cheaper than buying brand new so below is the link if you want a...
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    Decoction Mashing

    Cheers guys i guess i was only thinking of the process in theory not the practical application you are deffinetly right i do not know if my sparge with get stuck and what temp drops i will get i have calculator but i guess the will not be 100% accurate if im loosing to much temp through my tun...
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    Decoction Mashing

    Thanks screwy i have never ever done thing the eazy way why should this be any different but as i age i have been trying to learn by others experience and mistakes so i will certianly consider yours and Drsmurtos advice having said that the process just doesnt seem that difficult to me yes...
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    Decoction Mashing

    thankyou for your help i guess im not actually trying a try decotions mash what it really is is an infussion mash with temperature steps because i dont have a pot big enough to boil the hole volume i was just going to boil just 10 liters of sweet water and boil the same amount of hops as if i...
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    Decoction Mashing

    Hi guy i have not done an AG yet but after reading i thought i would work on a system with the equipment i have availible and with kowledge i have on hand im not to sure about this process or the times ive mentioned, so could the more experiance brewers in here have a read and give me some...
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    Sudden Gravity Drop

    it seems odd to me that the SG has not sinced you racked it and now that the heat has dropped its now going again if any it should be the oposite but maybe the when you racked it off the yeast it needed time to regenerate the yeast levels and then she kicked over again but just a theory
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    Og Help - Broken Hydrometer

    i think south english ales are only around the 3 to 4 % alcohol which would start with a low OG but the norther ales are of a higher alcohol around the 5 % and slightly higher which would give you a sightly higher OG around the 1.050 area but i could have them mixed up and it could be vice versa
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    Dry Hopping Advice

    I found with mine the flavour did mellow but never went away i used Hallertaurer hops i only use 10 grms and it has kind of turned me off dry hopping for now but i will give it a go later
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    Hop Advice Which Ones Eh?

    I would advise against dry hopping your kit (it just my personal choice from experance) i have dry hopped with Hallertaurer and it had a very very very very very very grassy hoppy flavour that almost competely over powered the beer flavor all you could taste was the hop that said for your own...
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    Og Help - Broken Hydrometer

    NO worries any time
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    Og Help - Broken Hydrometer

    Hi ben i calculate your OG to be 1.048. i used;idDetails=172 the calculator on the brewcraft website, it might not be as accurate as beersmith but i think it will be ball park.I have found it to be all right also i had to guess the quantaties in...
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    Brew Only 3/4 Fermented.

    if you have use brew enhance it has corn syrup malt and other ingredients that will not ferment out and will leave you with a higher FG. I would say that 1.010 is going to be fine to bottle. but for your question before if you do get a stuck fermentation in future you dont need to remove the...
  18. F

    Extract Building Arecipe is also a online recipe generator and calculator that i find alright it is limited in many ways but it is easy to use and its free but you will have to print out recipes by copy and past onto word document and then printing then i keep the word documents for my computer database
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    What Am I Doing

    thanks for you imput and help guys steve i will have alook at those link
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    Brew Only 3/4 Fermented.

    It sound like a stuck fermenter to me but we would really need more info (like what id the SG and what is it expected to be) the other option is maybe it got hot and killed all the yeast but if it is a stuck fermenter it just means that the yeast has fallen out of the beer and is sitting in the...