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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. F

    Didnt Like That Beer At All

    G'day fergi, Can you tell me what you added to your kit?? I have one thats is about a week away.........I hope I am not dissapointed. :( All the press on the kit has been good..........but then thats what you would expect to hear! Cheers
  2. F

    Getting Better With Age

    G'day Gough, This site and others does fast track you learning. I will take you up on the brew day offer one day.........that would be even more fast tracking :o Newcastle frementation assistants unite.... :lol:
  3. F

    Hyperthetical ?

    my next big purchase will be a keg system 4sure.........but with xmas just around the corner it wont be till next year.....or I could buy the kids one :ph34r:
  4. F

    What Should I Do?

    Flanbos, Stick with it. I did a stockmans draught kit that I thought I would have to toss when I first tried it.........I drank other beer around it and when I had no choice I went back to it and in the finish was a pretty good drop and I was sorry to see it go! Remember if it don't kill you...
  5. F

    Getting Better With Age

    too right it does! Since then I have been playing around different ingredients (not pantry :lol: ) The next big one for me will be steeping some grains........and I have the feeling this will push me over the edge! The other problem I have is that the more I learn the more I need to know...
  6. F

    Getting Better With Age

    G'day All, The big ploblem I find with making beer is it takes so long before you can try it to see if the changes you have made are good or bad! I tried the first batch that I used hops was still quite young only 10days in the bottle. (cant help meself) :rolleyes: . Well what...
  7. F

    What Is A Real Brewer ?

    could be a new title in that..........MasterBaiter..... :P :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. F

    What Is A Real Brewer ?

    Chiller, at the risk of getting it wrong.........I am taking it that it was my reply you just posted to??? ( as I introduced the word snobbery) mate if so I think you my have taken it wrong please read past the word snobbery Cheers-Russ
  9. F

    What Is A Real Brewer ?

    Well I have come up with a new title NABA (not a brewers *******) :lol: and I wear it with pide as I don't really give a **** about titles..........the main thing is we have fun and enjoy what we do what ever that is! I am sure that you all had to start off some where. The good thing is that...
  10. F

    Cost Per Brew?

    An interesting read to see what you AG brewers spend on your beers, after you have your gear its more an investment in time than money to make great beers. Lucky its a hobby (or passion) if you were to add you man hours.....wellllll :lol: Cheers
  11. F

    Cost Per Brew?

    g'day all, Just wondering what would be your average cost on putting down a brew. It would be great to get an idea of whats the cost of k&k compared to AG. How much does it cost to get better beer? My average for kits and bits would be $23.00 The most I spent is $27.50 so far Its funny how...
  12. F

    Low Carb Or Low Cal Beer

    SD, Try tooheys maxxum..........then you might think about exersise..... :lol: :lol: ( :P in cheek) cheers
  13. F

    Anyone Teaching A Mate To Homebrew On The 6th!

    i was teaching the missus the other nite, she had a hissy fit when I grabbed her 10ltr soup pot....... :D the smell drove her out of the house.....(whats wrong with her) and she then found the ironing more exciting.......... :angry: bad luck I thought I was after a bottle washer.... :ph34r:
  14. F

    Bulk Priming - Time Delay

    Gday SD, what works for me is after I rack to bulk priming bucket I take my fermenter and give it a rinse out then fill it up for a soak with water and bleach. This takes about 10mins then back to bottle. After I have bottled the fermenter is ready to clean and rinse.........then clean the...
  15. F

    Racking Time

    thanks for the imput, Judging from your response, I take it its not uncommon to have no airlock activity as primary fermentation would have completed at the suggested racking times. this eases my worries cheers
  16. F

    Racking Time

    G'day all, I have been racking my last couple of brews, the first was on day 7,fermentation had all but stopped when I racked it i still got some airlock movement sg1012 at the time of racking fg1011. the second was on day 5, fermentation stopped when racked I didn't get any airlock movement...
  17. F

    Yeast Starter And Pitching

    Bonk and Asher, I was hoping that was the case, not planning to put a brew down till saturday. thanks
  18. F

    Yeast Starter And Pitching

    Bradmcm, thanks for the imput there. I don't know how this one will go I mixed it last night and this morning there is no sign of activity..... :huh:
  19. F

    Yeast Starter And Pitching

    Well I just had my first attempt at doing a yeast starter taken from a coopers.....(still have the packet yeast for back up) I have made it using 60g DME in about 600ml water. There is a few lumps floating round ........Malt I think maybe didn't boil long enough? Any way this should be big...
  20. F

    Coopers Pale Ale

    Ok thanks for clearing that up Ken.........I thought that was the case, and I take onboard what you say about the DME and maltodextrin! Bobby I take it you mean drop the DME not the LME???????