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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Complete setup FS - Picobrew, kegerator, etc.

    Thanks caney -- sorry, the other fellow got in just before you! All sold.
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    Complete setup FS - Picobrew, kegerator, etc.

    Wow, it's like Fair Oaks is the center of the Aussie homebrewing universe. How many more will come out of the woodwork?
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    Complete setup FS - Picobrew, kegerator, etc.

    Hi akx, Welcome to Oz. We're headed to Fair Oaks, near Sac. Used to live in Santa Rosa. You? I might be keen on the amp! Not so sure about the lightbulbs :)
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    Complete setup FS - Picobrew, kegerator, etc.

    It works great! It's basically an automated RIMS system. You put in milled grain and your hop additions, and 'program' a recipe with your desired temperature steps and times, and it does all the temperature control and transfers. You come back several hours later with a keg with ~10L of hot...
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    Complete setup FS - Picobrew, kegerator, etc.

    [Edit: SOLD!] I'm moving to the US and can't take this stuff with me. Here's the list: [price when new] item [2800] Picobrew Zymatic (including 1 corny keg, all parts and a few spares), new 07/15, used <1 yr [500] Kegerator with 3 taps and digital temp control (Pinnacle; 4 yrs old, used 2.5...
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    Denny's Favourite 50

    Sorry to revive an old thread... I just used this yeast for an IPA, and had a different experience: it fermented really slowly and bottomed out at 1019 (from 1065 og) after 9 days. The packet was fairly recently manufactured and I made a healthy 2L starter, pitched near high krausen. I've been...
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    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I am from the US. I was raised to be suspicious of government doing things that the private sector can do instead. But many years living here and in the US have convinced me that the single payer system is superior in nearly every way. It is not perfect, but it is cheaper, better and more...
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    Paul Hogan

  9. S

    Paul Hogan

    Yeah, rub it in. Down here we're still stuck with DVD rentals.
  10. S

    Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

    I see where you're coming from, Airgead, but I agree with motch on this one. At least the discussions here are usually relatively polite. Unlike most other forums I've spent time on, it's usually neither an echo chamber nor a screaming contest -- in either of which there's no chance of...
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    Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

    I totally agree the US is not transparent. But neither is Australia, or any other country. The idea of a totally transparent democracy is not realistic -- secrets are unavoidable and necessary when dealing with other countries. Any country would brand as a criminal anyone who released...
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    Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

    I agree America is pushing its own agenda and spying on its friends, but I think it's naive to single them out for it. Every nation, ever, has done exactly that, to the greatest extent possible. The US just happens to be the most powerful nation at the moment, so it has the greatest footprint...
  13. S

    Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

    No, what you're doing is the very definition of sophistry. Your definitions are literally accurate but not orthodox. "Conspiracy theory" and "propaganda" are universally understood to refer to things much grander and more sinister than minor schemes or polemics by one or a few random morons...
  14. S

    Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

    This is just transparent sophistry -- changing the defintion or interpretation of terms as a method of argument. We all know what we mean when we say "conspiracy theory" and "propaganda".
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    Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

    I argued nothing, but only asked a direct question in earnest. You read an argument between the lines. But since we're apparently arguing anyway, I'll note that it's pretty laughable to equate independent thinking with believing conspiracy theories. The first resort of a truly independent...
  16. S

    Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

    When did the CIA previously shoot down a passenger jet?
  17. S

    counterflow chiller recommendation

    I also switched from a CFC to an immersion/whirlpool chiller. I just got > 5 gals down from 100C to 19C in about 15-20 min on the weekend, and only used ice water for the last 5 min. And our water isn't terribly cold up here in NW NSW. Immersion chillers also have some other advantages in...
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    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Words of wisdom there. We're only a few base pairs from our chimp cousins, and I reckon we're crazier by a long shot. You don't see chimps fire-bombing residential parts of Tokyo.
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    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    [edit: this was in response to Pilchard -- the subsequent replies were posted while I was writing this] I tend to agree, sort of. I've been randomly attacked by groups and by armed individuals several times in my adult life (once in Aus, three times in the US). Couldn't walk for a month one...