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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Dunkelbrau

    How Long to Oxygenate wort?

    Commercials aren't wrong. They use a sinter stone during transfer usually as stated above (1L/m) ive seen some people do 1.5L/m as well and the fv is open to release pressure. The problem is the temp at transfer. If its still 26 degrees then you won't get as much dissolved as if it was 8...
  2. Dunkelbrau


    Indeed, a higher temp converts the precursor quicker but its not that its not there, it can take a couple of weeks to get diacetyl levels into acceptable ranges depending on yeast strain and health etc. If its not left for enough time, the acetolactate will convert in the keg/bottle and be very...
  3. Dunkelbrau

    would 50 litre keg be large enough for double batch?

    Standard keg holds 50L, american kegs hold 58. If you can come across one go for it, saved my bacon a few times when brewing higher gravity beers with long boils A standard 50 is fine for doubles but you do need to watch and make sure. For a 5L boil off, and a 40-42L batch (2 kegs plus...
  4. Dunkelbrau

    Your best excuse for not going AG

    Well, for a technicality the (2015/)2016 financial year is only a few weeks away ;-)
  5. Dunkelbrau

    West Ryde (Sydney) Water. Low pH

    Strange that its gone so low. You really should cool all samples to room temp prior to checking (couldn't gather if you waited that long or not) for the probe longevity if not for the accurate reading. There are two issues at play at higher temp, the wort will read a different pH at the...
  6. Dunkelbrau


    I'm guessing this is gone? If not I'll definitely take it.. The wife wouldn't be happy but I would love to have 2 double batches going at once!
  7. Dunkelbrau

    FS: SYD Andale flooded font

    What did you end up doing instead? I'd be all over it but it would mean I'd put my 3 tap andale up on here haha
  8. Dunkelbrau

    Liquid Hops

    It says on the original link that its life is 12 months once opened. It also says about it lasting "the life of the beer" in the bottle.. Which could be specified as 9-12 months from date of packaging. I'd go 1ml and then bump it up, but if you just go 2mls then I'm sure it will be fine, the...
  9. Dunkelbrau

    Liquid Hops

    1mL/10L is the dosage rate so 1.9mLs should do a corny. Although they do mention tasting but its hard without proper micro measurements. I'd just go 1 ml and then double it if you need more
  10. Dunkelbrau

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy

    best to wait for a new list if he can get other brands (weyermann etc) then people may change what they get/want more etc, better to get the new pricing and list to have informed decisions. I'd probably even start a new thread when you're ready AB, since the price list will change.
  11. Dunkelbrau

    wlp004 and wy1084 probably arent the Guinness strain

    uhh.. CUB don't brew Guinness in Australia, Lion does.
  12. Dunkelbrau

    60 Litre Fermenter Bulk Buy Sydney

    1. Aussie x 10 2. MattSR x 3 3. Stux x 1 4. Brewhart x 2 5. Dunkelbrau x 4 6. Gary x 1 7. Gobern x 1 8. Sponge x 2 3 left
  13. Dunkelbrau

    60 Litre Fermenter Bulk Buy Sydney

    1. Aussie x 10 2. MattSR x 2 3. Stux x 1 4. Brewhart x 2 5. Dunkelbrau x 4 6. Gary x 1 7. Gobern x 1 8. Sponge x 2 4 left Added another 2 for me. Only 4 to go!
  14. Dunkelbrau

    Corny keg carbonation

    Pouring pressure in my opinion is better, never over carbed. I like beers on the lower end so I'd prefer to not get it too high. If the beer is cold going in, 24 hours on gas is enough
  15. Dunkelbrau

    Bread Porn

    Oh yum! I need to start making bread more.. This bagels look/sound delicious!
  16. Dunkelbrau

    60 Litre Fermenter Bulk Buy Sydney

    If we had another 6 I'd go for another 2 to finish this pallet up haha. Come on guys!
  17. Dunkelbrau

    60 Litre Fermenter Bulk Buy Sydney

    I'll take 2 if it goes ahead.. Maybe more if last minute numbers are needed. 1. Aussie x 10 2. MattSR x 2 3. Stux x 1 4. Brewhart x 2 5. Dunkelbrau x 2 6. 10 left
  18. Dunkelbrau

    Pilsiner questions

    I'd drop the munich and crystal for a pils, 95% pils, 5% carapils. Noble hops Depends what you want though. As for yeast, any lager yeast will work well at the right temp. Maybe go with wlp800 or 802 and see how you go. Remember to make a starter and calculate the pitch rate with Mr malty...
  19. Dunkelbrau

    gassing a 50ltr keg ?

    Advice? Drop the caps lock lol Seriously, you can prime the keg like bottles, or you can force carb. Its only an extra 1.5 times the volume so not too much extra gas. Try either way and see!
  20. Dunkelbrau

    Repurposing Fermtroller as Brewpi

    The arduino is pretty cheap so I'd just go that route. The dual relay boards are also pretty cheap!