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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Superoo

    Beginner, diving head first into BIAB

    Several valid points in this thread for you... - Find a SMASH (single malt and single hop) recipe and make that a few times while getting your head around the other 'little things' that need to be done when brewing. - Temperature control while fermenting should really be a priority for you. -...
  2. Superoo

    Additions for Rainwater.

    Thanks for the info. My mash ph was 5.17 at 45 minutes into the mash. Ph meter is temperature compensated [emoji106]
  3. Superoo

    Additions for Rainwater.

    Bigmunchez. FYI... I purchased a good ph meter and additions from LHBS. Mashing right now and 10 minutes into the mash ph is 5.35. Thanks again for getting me going, I needed somewhere to start, I will now study more on this topic. Cheers, Chris
  4. Superoo

    Additions for Rainwater.

    Bigmunchez thanks heaps mate. That’s exactly the starting point I need. Now off to source the chemicals. Thanks again mate
  5. Superoo

    Additions for Rainwater.

    Sorry late reply - but thanks again to all for your replies. I will read the info in the links you have kindly provided and work out the best thing to do. I'm guessing a ph meter is a good start. I have purchased a basic GH (General Hardness) KH (Carbonate Hardness) water test kit, which...
  6. Superoo

    Rain water chemistry

    I'm in the same situation - colorbond roof and poly tanks. Where would I find info on how to set the water up better, if not perfect. I've never treated water before when brewing, I do BIAB all grain. cheers, Chris
  7. Superoo

    Using plastic wrap to seal fermentor

    I've started using clear food grade bags (27c each) in the primary fermenter - only to save cleaning later. Using a syphon pump to transfer to secondary. I gently twist the top of the bag and then clamp it with 2 pegs to still let it breathe out. Also peg a small weight on to dangle the top of...
  8. Superoo

    SMASH Golden Promise and Cascade

    Hi to All, and nice to see so many old names still here. I’m back brewing after about a 3,year break due to ‘busyness’. Can anybody suggest a recipe for Golden Promise and Cascade flowers in a SMASH brew, using BIAB. I have forgotten how to work out a reasonable balance, so am at your mercy...
  9. Superoo

    Bottle priming with measure and funnel - sanitation?

    I would consider... 1- Boil some (say 3-400 mLs) water to sanitise it. 2- Add and dissolve the amount of sugar for all of your bottles, (e.g.: might be 150 grams or whatever) into the water. 3- GENTLY stir in the sugar/water mix to your fermenter / bottling bucket just prior to bottling. Dont...
  10. Superoo

    Add late chocolate to American Dry Stout

    G'day to All, I'm about to put a "Rogue Shakespeare Stout" clone into secondary, and would like to split some off to add some chocolate. I was wondering if simply adding a chocolate flavoured liquour would be the simplest way. I was thinking of adding something like a third of a cup to 4...
  11. Superoo

    Man Can keg System

    FYI - Just found this...
  12. Superoo

    Help me stitch up a mate

    Loving these ideas lads, Sheep nuts in a boil... wouldn't bother him, bushy as, he wouldn't even blink. The Skype thing... yes now I get it, cheers - I actually have a Skype account -- somewhere... A mail barrage of some sort is probably the best go, he only gets his mail once or twice a...
  13. Superoo

    Help me stitch up a mate

    No way he'll have Skype, like i said doesn't even have email. I think its going to have to be something snail mail--- which leads back to glitter...
  14. Superoo

    Help me stitch up a mate

    I've just found out he doesn't even have bloody email :(
  15. Superoo

    Help me stitch up a mate

    Thanks Mckenry, I'll have a look for that, and more...
  16. Superoo

    Help me stitch up a mate

    Holy $hit... Doesn't suit me but this is funny stuff... I googled 'prank your mate', and found this...
  17. Superoo

    Help me stitch up a mate

    About 6 months ago or so, 4x island was a sms which you send to your mates, saying you've entered into the draw for a boys trip to 4x island, to really play HARD, all expenses paid. All you had to do was text 'HARDER' to this number he gave. A short time later you get a sms with contact info...
  18. Superoo

    Help me stitch up a mate

    He's a wheat farmer, stays home on the farm working mostly, involved in local footy, likes a beer, loves a laugh, and is a great family man. He'll suspect anything out of the ordinary. I'd really like to do something that'll string him along / suck him in for a while...
  19. Superoo

    Help me stitch up a mate

    G'day to All, A mate stitched me up big time a few months ago, with the xxxx island text message, and I fell for it hook line & sinker... spewin. He's telling everyone and loving every minute of it (as I would). I need to bide my time and get back at the *******, but he's got his guard up, so...
  20. Superoo

    A new meaning of 'Going Greek'

    ... Luxury