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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Botulism in Homebrew??

    Can you get botulism from no-chill beer?
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    Changes To Family "law" Are Eminent

    Hi All, Just an alert to inform to eminent changes to custodial arrangements being put-forward by the current govenment which will see a return to a mandatory "one weekend a month" time with your children (if you are male) upon seperation from your current partner. Please have a look at...
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    Labor Lies

    ? Oh no here comes the 18% GST
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    Metallurgy And Homebrewing

    Hi All, Interesting that this thread was closed.;#entry434313 Seems that Aussieshop brewer is alive and well. :icon_vomit: To answer some of the questions from the prematurely closed thread: rec.crafts.brewing and the CRAFTBREWER DIGEST was...
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    Incubator And Laminar Flow For Sale

    Hey guys, Anyone interested in an incubator and laminar flow hood? Both in good working condition. Any reasonable offer accepted. Please email me on darren dog miller at adelaide dog edu dog au Better be quick. cheers Darren
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    Mobile Internet Providers

    Hi guys, Finally decided to take the plung and get ADSL at home and found that the suburb I live in the "cables" are too old. Now i am looking for a mobile connection. Does anyone have any good suggestions/experiences with mobile providers?? cheers Darren
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    Day 3 Of 31

    Hey, Sorry I could not find the orginal thread!! Its now day three of the alcohol free month of July. How is everyone else going?. I am finding a bit harder to get to sleep but also getting more work done at night. Can someone point me to the original thread? Moderators, feel free to move...
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    2008 Adelaide Malt Buy

    Hey Guys, A few people have asked me to do another Malt bulk buy. Prices are around $45/ 25kg Aussie base malt and around $60-65 for imported Weyermann base malts. cheers Darren
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    Off Topic: Bulk Buy issues

    Yes, that is correct. Like he did with hops Ross has now stopped bulk buys for every state except SA. The way malt prices and Ross's profits are going it will be cheaper to buy imported beer cheers Darren
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    The Crush

    Something that had me thinking, How important is the crush. Do homebrewers crush too little? Can you crush too much? Does it matter? cheers Darren
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    Beer & Brewer Magazine Issue 4 Party Feb 20, Adelaide - Coopers Al

    Hi All, Received this in the mail this morning. Should be a good night!
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    Adelaide 2007 Malt Bulk Buy

    Hey guys, Malt bulk buy time again. prices will be the same as last year. cheers Darren
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    Coppers Pale Ale...$32/carton

    Hyas, Just went past BWS on Goodwood road. They have CPA for $32/carton. Would not normally buy beer but have a road trip to the land of CUB this weekend. Its gunna be bad enough without FU iced coffee :( . Ps: Not sure if its all BWS but is a good price. Sale ends tuesday. cheers Darren
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    Uses For These?

    Hey, I found a few of these. I know they would be useful for something in brewing but would like some suggestions. Maybe cap one end and use as hop-back?? Any ideas? cheers Darren
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    Cascade In Adelaide

    Hey guys, I have a friend who wants to get in 5kg of cascade. Any interest in splitting this? Its 28/kg. cheers Darren
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    Cheap Cheap Cheap Malt (adelaide)

    Hey guys, I have a whole pile of malt I want to get rid off fairly quickly Marris Otter/Golden Promise $55 Weyermann Pils $50 BB ale $35 There is one bag of Munich light (Weyerman) for $50 too. Be quick as these are never to be repeated prices. Cheers Darren 0439499605
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    Cheap Legal 50 Litre Kegs

    Howdy, I have sourced some LEGAL 50 litre kegs. They are the "CUB style" but are not CUB kegs. They are second hand but can be used to keg and dispense beer from. They have rubber on the top and bottom so I am unsure of their usability for a bottom fired boiler. I suspect the rubber will will...
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    Weyermann Extracts

    Howdy, I have had some interest in these. They are $30/ 4kg canister (cheaper if a few are bought). Need a few more interested parties to make them viable. Alll extracts are fresh and ordered only as required. cheers Darren
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    Adelaide Malt Bulk Buy

    Hey guys, Just about to order again. The prices have stayed the same even though the price of malt has risen. Please let me know what you want. These prices are for Adelaide buyers only. If anyone wants to grab 500kg or more in another state please let me know. Prices will be at least 10% lower...
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    Malts Australia Wide

    Howdy, In the next month or so I will be buying a couple of tonnes of malts. I am particularly interested in the Weyermann Bohemian pilsener malt. Anyone who is interested in buying some malt for feel free to contact me. The prices are listed below but are for SA people only. Over the years I...