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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    The Brewhouse - Brisbane

    I've a feeling i was starting to dribble a little bit towards the end of the night, but a great time was had. Only thing was everyone bailed! I eventually decided that 8 hours in the pub was enough for a Sunday.
  2. J

    The Brewhouse - Brisbane

    *burp* Was a good day, however the local beers sucked the big one.
  3. J

    Rare Aussie Beer

    You really think any yeast is going to be viable after 30+ years in a bottle???
  4. J

    The Brewhouse - Brisbane

    PM me your bank details, i'm shocking at forgetting to bring cash.
  5. J

    Cleaning Drip Trays

    Wondering how often people here clean their drip trays, and if they have any majic solutions that they leave in there? Reason i ask is that i had a party last week, and a fair amount was spilled over the night. I didn't get around to cleaning the drip tray until just now, when i discovered a...
  6. J

    You'll Never Believe How I Got This...

    My best free score was when i was speaking to a customer of mine, and she mentioned that she was trying to give away a working autoclave...
  7. J

    Co2 Refills

    How big is it? I have previosly just "swapped" them at an agent who doesn't ask for proof of rental.
  8. J

    New Brewer Needs Advice.

    First thing i always reccomend -
  9. J

    Shameless Plug!

    Saw you talk about this on "that other show" the other night. Congrats and i hope it pans out. Sorry but i won't be a viewer, my antenna aint big enough to pick up Melbourne only shows.
  10. J

    Is This Legal?

    I suppose you are right, however the fact that they covered over the manufacturers date was what was annoying - if they'd stuck it beside the original date than i could have made an informed buying decision.
  11. J

    Is This Legal?

    Time! That sucks, probably not worth complaining then.
  12. J

    Is This Legal?

    So there i am, sitting on my back deck savouring a bottle of the Adnams Broadside Strong Original, when i notice that the "use by" sticker look very badly like it was stuck on by the shop or importer. I wondered what was below it, so i peeled it off and looked at what was below... Can i...
  13. J

    Crankandstein Mill For Sale On Ebay

    i know what you mean about time - owning a small booming business, i haven't had time to brew an AG since Sep last year, and have only managed time to brew two or three ESB kits since then :-( Hell, i even barely have time to come on this site... But i'm still keen for brewing, and plan to...
  14. J

    Liver Problems

    I've also got a history of heamachromatosis in my family - so far all the tests show that i have escaped it, which is good as i hate giving blood (the main treatment for the disease). I got quite ill a couple of years ago, and my liver tests also were shocking - the docs told me to stop...
  15. J

    Ginger Beer Force Carbonation

    Note - i have never done this myself. However the guy at my old lhbs told me that he took the Morgans ginger beer kit, added it to water, force carbonated it, and served it up as a regular on tap item for guests that wanted a NA drink. He reckoned it was a hit.
  16. J

    Homebrew Acronyms

    Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off with Tears in My Eyes? I still like ROFLMFAO
  17. J

    Drinking Alcohol While On The Job

    I used to work in a job where going to the pub, getting plastered, and returning in the arvo was not only tolerated, but expected. Funnily enough, it was the most productive place i have ever worked in.
  18. J

    100+ Ibu Recipies

    It's defiantely about balance. The biggest IBU beers i have done is the Rye IPA which weighed in around 90IBU. Nobody complained that it was bitter though.
  19. J

    Rehydrating Dried Yeast I cover with cling-wrap to stop the nasties from falling in. This is also a good explanation of what is going on during the rehydration