You'll Never Believe How I Got This...

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Steve Lacey

Well-Known Member
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Hope I'm not doubling up on threads here, but I have a good story on a new bit of brewing gear I just got and thought it might make an interesting thread.

As many of you know I live in Tokyo. My all-grain brewing is somewhat curtailed due to space and time, but especially space. But a friend has an office that is a converted apartment, and we have some basic improvised gear and do the occasional brew there together. We have been starting to think we should equip ourselves better so have been looking around for an esky type cooler (we use a bucket wrapped in blankets now) and 30+ liter boiler (we now have to split the boil into two smaller pots).

On most Sunday mornings I go for a run in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo's version of Central Park I suppose. There is quite a population of homeless guys with semi-permanent camps dotted around the park. You could almost say they are not homeless because they have these little houses of tarp & wood construction. Seems lately the authorities have been thinning down the numbers, getting them into temporary publicly-funded housing. So on Sunday there was a whole row of them pulling down their shacks and chucking out all their unneeded rubbish in preparation to move on. My bicycle was parked near the tarps where they were throwing their stuff. When I was changing and ready to leave, one of them started talking to me about this and that. Muttering about what a tough job it was and that they would be all gone tomorrow, etc etc. Then he comes back with another armload of stuff, including what looked suspiciously like a large stainless steel stock pot. He chucked it on the pile and wandered off.

I started looking at this thing and was thinking, "****, that's a stainless steel stock pot. But too small for a boiler...bloody grubby...but it's stainless...could we use that? hmm..." It looked to be about 20L, just too small for a kettle, but maybe big enough for a mash tun. It really was very grubby, especially a lot of dirt and mud. But I looked inside and could see, after scraping away the leaves and dirt, that the surface was sound. No rust or pitting. Finally I thought what the hell, and grabbed it and gave it bit of a wash under a nearby tap. Sure enough, it looked like it would come up clean with a more thorough scrub, so I scarpered off to my friends office with it perched on the front of my bike; only had to ride a couple of km.

Fortunately he was doing a bit of work and was there. So I brought it in and we cleaned it up completely and measured it. To my surprise it was actually a 33 cm (27L) pot, so I think we have found our mash tun. All we need is to make a wood lid and an insulated jacket and we are away. Step mashes on the stove top will be completely viable. It could even be used as a boiler in a pinch, but I think we will buy a new larger aluminium one for that.

Anyway, I just keep having a bit of a laugh about the fact that I have scrounged up something that even a homeless guy thinks is rubbish. My wife was incredulous when I told her about it and basically told me I was very lucky I didn't bring it home :lol:

Any other "good find" stories out there?
hope it wasnt the camp dunny :eek:
Steve Lacey said:
Hope I'm not doubling up on threads here, but I have a good story on a new bit of brewing gear I just got and thought it might make an interesting thread.


Wow.. Picking up homeless guys cooking pot...

Mine isnt that extreme but it was a nice find -

My wife runs the local playgroup. It runs in a council hall a couple of days a week. She was cleaning out one of their cupboards at the end of last year and stashed at the back was an old 25l urn with a "DANGER... BROKEN... DO NOT USE" sign on it. It didn't belog to playgroup. She asked the council and they told her that it wasn't theirs and to get rid of it as they didn't want it in the hall (safety hazard). They couldn't even get it repaired cos their liability insurance wouldn't cover it (go figure). Home it came.

Definitely broken. 5 minutes with a screwdriver and the problem was clear - a fibre washer behind the screw holding one of the handles on had split and water had leaked into the thermostat. The thermostat was blown in half. $5 for a new pack of fibre washers and $40 for a new thernmostat and I have a new HLT.

I didn't pick it up off a homeless guy but getting a freebie from the council must count for something...

Steve said:
hope it wasnt the camp dunny :eek:

:unsure: So do I!!

I think not though. None of the dirt was that crusty.
I found an bar fridge in a carpark that i look after the garden beds in the other day,with a heap of rubbish at the rear of a renovated shop.

Plugged it in and it works,cleaned it up.It runs constantly so i suspect the thermostat is buggered.I'll prolly replace it soon,and use it as a brew/cc fridge.

Free stuff is COOL

Just digressing <_< Whats the HB scene like in Japan Steve,do you have much trouble getting ingredients etc......?
Brauluver said:
Just digressing <_< Whats the HB scene like in Japan Steve,do you have much trouble getting ingredients etc......?

Due to the questionable legal status (it is illegal to home brew anything with a abv>1%) the scene is small, fragmented and low key. There area couple of people operating on-line supplies shops and there is a large DIY chain that has a small pathetic section of kits and a few odds and ends of equipment (and clueless staff). The on-line suppliers are not too bad actually, but as you could imagine with it being so low key, the economies of scale on shipping mean the prices are pretty hefty. But we get by. I also bring stuff over through ESB (postage is crippling) or get little packages of grain hand carried back every now and then (just got one the other day via Gerard actually).

Thanks for the interest. :beer:
Love your story Steve.

I have a couple of good stories too. Some time ago I was walking the dogs with the missus and I noticed along the path (back of an industrial kitchen warehouse) some SS racks. Well found out the warehouse manager is Brian, and they were pulled out of an old job and ... he was happy for me to take them away - it was Christmas after all!

Now these things are solid, no they are industrial strength. So Leah and I now have the structure for a new brew sculpture. The really nasty closest equivalent I've seen is something from Ikea that is small and flimsy and costs $250!

These jobbies are worth $1000 to us!

And then a few days later, in the SS bin in the local scrap metal yard, a 50 litre cylindroconical vessel. It needs a bit of work to turn it into a fermenter, but at $40 I'm not complaining.

The right place at the right time ...

cheers all. Arnie :beerbang:

PS. I've never been this lucky ever before!
I got my 25L urn out of a scrap metal bin at work, plugged it in and it worked fine! Just had to make a lid for it.


My best free score was when i was speaking to a customer of mine, and she mentioned that she was trying to give away a working autoclave...
the dempster bin out the back of my work lab has been a constant supply of good ss gear plus lab grade glass ware.mind you what i find inside is equally attractive providing i talk to the right person.still eyeing off that mag stirrer.come to think of it the whole work environment has some unreal finds for the brew minded person.ME

big d
I got a refractometer gratis from a mate who used to install post mix systems for Coca Cola. :beerbang:

Warren -
I scored 100 john gust fittings at a scrap dealer for 50 cents and they were all in plastic bags and brand new.

also a laptop from a dumpster out the back of an it company perfect working order. just an old pent3 700 from an upgrade they did even had a cd burner .

I love Paramount Browns in adelaide lots of goodies there i can spen hours in there yard to the distcust of the wife.

always on the scrounge me must be all the years as a home brewer LoL . :eek:

i scored about 15litres of crown seals for free from a bloke in a winery
My fav place in Canberra is Revolve @ The Gungahlin Tip. Many a bargain has ended up in the back of the Camry for a new & exciting life in some blokes shed!

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