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  1. Justin

    Dealing With Kettle Evaporation

    Ok, sweet. Sounds like you are on top of it. Just thought I would raise that possibility as it was something i struggled with when I was first starting all grain. Sounds like you are genuinely getting a pretty high boil off so hopefully some of the other ideas above should be the answer. I dont...
  2. Justin

    Dealing With Kettle Evaporation

    Hi Ecosse. Just a quick question regarding your evapouration rate, are you sure it's all evaporation rate you are calculating? Here's the thing. Your preboil volume is 27L (hot), target after boil volume is 19L (cold- +4% thermal contraction). You get 16L into your fementer. How much wort...
  3. Justin

    Herms - Tips, Tricks, Hints And Secrets

    Well you don't want your HLT thermocouple in your heat exchanger outlet if you have seperate HERMS unit. It's best in your HLT. LOL! Ok, being picky :P For your HLT thermocouple to read accurately you really want a bit of agitation in there to prevent stratification. It happens and can throw...
  4. Justin

    Herms Coil

    Keep your connecting hoses as short as possible. No point in introducing more room for temp loss when the whole idea is temp maintainence. Can be a lot of heat lost in long hoses.
  5. Justin

    Herms Coil

    I have 4m of 3/8" (10mm) copper in my 1200W 4L heat exchanger. Maintains temp beautifully in my system and reacts very quickly. No plans to upgrade to a higher wattage element as it brings the mash to mash out in 10-15mins (which is my only step) and maintains the desired mash temp perfectly. It...
  6. Justin

    Beer Shops In Hobart / Tasmania

    Yeah mate I did comment to the two staff on the registers though there wasn't a manager in the immediate area at the time. Not sure if they really took any notice or not. Might be worth tracking down the manager and mentioning it as it cant hurt. Thing is several of my friends have been BWS...
  7. Justin

    Beer Shops In Hobart / Tasmania

    Yep, the BWS on Davey St was/is one of the better ones for better import beers. They usually have a good selection but I think it has kind of dropped off of late, or maybe I've just tried most of them now and looking for something new and interesting. Gasworks too but I haven't found many other...
  8. Justin

    Looking For Tooheys Keg Coupler

    My understanding is that the Tooheys and Coopers are the same GMK. The tooheys have the flat style keg valve with the push button in the middle, which if I remember rightly is the same set up as Coopers so the same coupler should work. Cheerio. Justin
  9. Justin

    Looking For Tooheys Keg Coupler

    If the option for you comes available to use a CUB style coupler instead of a Tooheys one I have a CUB style one with snap locks I could sell. Just an option incase you can change your plan of attack regarding the Tooheys style keg. Let me know if you want to change horses but you should be...
  10. Justin

    Windscreen Wiper Motor For Mash Stirrer

    Hi Hoges, I've used a windscreen wiper motor to power my Barley Crusher but not stir a mash. I can't really tell you if there is much of a difference between them sorry. But as a side note, for a power supply I ended up using a 12V battery charger from Supercheap Auto (it was about $10-$15 if I...
  11. Justin

    Instant Hot Water - The Next Steps

    Good work Croz, a lot of smaller breweries are using instant hot water systems. Saves the waste of heating more water than you need too. I'd speak to a gas guy on how to set it up regarding jet sizes, they will really be the only ones to speak to on that. However, you should be able to easily...
  12. Justin

    Recirculating Mash

    Yeah Hogan, you are on the money in that there is no real science in it-anything will work and what you are proposing would work I'm sure. The only down side I can see is that you are kind of locked into the size of your mash (via the height of the mash). Obviously this depends on your mash tun...
  13. Justin

    What Am I Doing Wrong? - Hotbreak.

    Hi mate. I wouldn't worry too much about it but there can be a number of reasons why you might not get a very good break formation. Here is a snippit from Brewing Techniques that I just googled up: In the boil: One of the reasons we boil wort is to coagulate proteins that have bound with...
  14. Justin

    Wtb - K Or J Type Thermocouple

    Thanks for the replies and offers guys, much appreciated. I'll send you a PM Jayse, although I really need the length so if they are only a few feet they wont be of much use to me unfortunately. The problem with thermocouples is you can only extend them with appropriate thermocouple wire...
  15. Justin

    Wtb - K Or J Type Thermocouple

    Hi guys, Just putting some feelers out to see if anyone has a thermocouple for sale that would suit my purpose. I'm looking for a K or J type thermocouple to finish the final component of my brewery. I have one for my HLT already but need a longer one to reach my mash tun, so therefore it...
  16. Justin

    [hobart] Hopsters Gathering @ New Sydney Hotel

    Yeah I wasn't excited about that one either. That's cool on the Railton thing, it's a noisy night easy mistake. I was blown away that there will soon be a micro in my home town. The bogans will love it LOL!!! Funny thing was, Joe and I asked some random bloke at the HOPS meet if he was OM39A...
  17. Justin

    [hobart] Hopsters Gathering @ New Sydney Hotel

    The new micro will be opening in Railton apparently from what Willie said. What a bloody coincidence-that's where I live. Woohoo, bring it on. Wonder how long it will be till it's operational? A while yet I imagine. Bold move building it in Railton, I would have though Latrobe would have been a...
  18. Justin

    I'm Building A Herms Too!

    Ha ha, nice one Sammus. I built mine to completion yesterday out of a pressure cooker. Will post pictures soon as well but basically the same lines of Andrews and your system. Looks the goods. Cheers mate.
  19. Justin

    Kettle - Gas To Electric

    Hi BYB. Yep, lots of people have used electric elements to power their kettles. There are a few options. Some are using hand held immersion elements that run about $70 upwards. They are 2400W and will boil 30 litres, I assume more though I haven't personally tried it. Easy to fit to your...
  20. Justin

    Braided Hose

    I use the same connectors as Pumpy and mine have been brilliant and trouble free. Make sure you get the ones that essentially have a barbed fitting with a brass collar that back outwards back over the hose. These hold great on the thick walled silicone hose (FWIW I got mine from both G&G and...