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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Sodium Percarbonate (pure) $4 Per Kg

    I have the following numbers for the SA Sodium Perc Buy. Kai 2 Dicko 2 + SteveSA 2 + Aaron 2 MAH 2 + AnthonyMac 2 + WeeStu 3 TDA 3 Tangent 5 Darren 5 Jayse 5 Peas and Korn 5 Boots 10 Total 48 1 x 25KG sack is onsite at the supplier, so I'll arrange for a second sack, and if anyone wants...
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    Anthony Mac's Black ****** Porter. Nice and roasty, with a dry finish
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    I'm not as good at written reviews as others, so I'll post pictorial reviews. Simon's English Old Ale - Very Nice beer. Well done Simon
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    Porter Grainbill

    Oh you said PORTER. I thought you said Brown Ale :blink: :rolleyes: My grain bill above was too light in colour to be a porter. Would add more black patent if brewed again - in fact looking at my recipe, i thought i was adding more.. I must have put a typo in doh!!.. Adjusted the hop...
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    Porter Grainbill

    Here's what I'll be brewing tomorrow (my first brew in waaaay too long). Recipe Specifications -------------------------- Batch Size: 23.00 L Boil Size: 36.42 L Estimated OG: 1.056 SG Estimated Color: 53.9 EBC Estimated IBU: 41.7 IBU Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.0 % Boil Time: 90 Minutes...
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    That's a shame Stu, tho I'm sure you're just being modest :P I still rate your original little big man as one of my favourite beers.
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    Sodium Percarbonate (pure) $4 Per Kg

    I'm not sure that this is a definitive answer, but it infers that you can have 100% pure Sodium Percarbonate. Link to quoted text The linked document also infers that it has a minimal effect on the environment (which I had already heard).
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    Sodium Percarbonate (pure) $4 Per Kg

    This material data sheet should answer most questions Sodium Percarbonate
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    Sodium Percarbonate (pure) $4 Per Kg

    On Sosmans site, Brewiki, he states that a surfactant can be added to straight sodium percarbonate to improvice it's "wetting" which i take to mean it will coat all surfaces better. I'd say that's why those little sachets don't need rinsing (?) perhaps they are straight sodperc. and no...
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    Kwak Pack

    As of a few weeks ago they had them in the BWS on Kensington Road near the roundabout
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    Adelaide Source Of Bulk Sodium Percarbonate

    I thought I'd keep it subtle ;)
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    Sodium Percarbonate (pure) $4 Per Kg

    Hi everyone. I'm going to be buying a 25KG sack of Sodium Percarbonate for cleaning my brewing gear (amongst other things). Works out to just under $4 per KG ($96 for the bag). I'd want at least 10KG for myself, but I'm happy to get more than a single bag if there is enough interest. I'll be...
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    Adelaide Source Of Bulk Sodium Percarbonate

    Just worked out that is a pretty good price considering that the supermarket stuff is only about 30-40% active ingredient. So i will put a bulk buy entry in.
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    Adelaide Source Of Bulk Sodium Percarbonate

    Thanks for all the options guys. After emails to all, only Jatek has replied so far and he's can do 25Kg bags for $96. Which is just under $4 per KG. I think that's about what you pay in the supermarket?? I'll probably go ahead and grab one anyway just for the convenience of having it all...
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    Adelaide Source Of Bulk Sodium Percarbonate

    B) A bit of both pedro :) Of course, we're too lazy to be using cloth nappies on the bum, but with the amount of baby spew and projectile poo shooting around our place, we've been dumping a shovel load in each wash....... of ... and i hope to do a brew one of these years :blink:
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    Adelaide Source Of Bulk Sodium Percarbonate

    Cheers guys. I also just got a reply from the guy I bought the Ortho Phos from so will be able to compare pricing. I'll give them a try. Once I get pricing I'll put an entry in the bulk buys section if it seems worthwhile. Cheers Boots
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    Adelaide Source Of Bulk Sodium Percarbonate

    Do any of you Adelaideaners know a good source for bulk sodium percarbonate?
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    SA AHB Xmas Case 2005

    After hearing about what's actually in the charity case, I'm increasing my bid (post auction) to $120. It's still nowhere near what the case is worth but it's as much as I can afford at the moment, and i wanted to make sure that all who donated felt it was worthwhile and appreciated. Top work...
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    Syphoning Question

    Hi guys, I am redesigning my brewery during my brewing downtime, and will be changing to a different mashtun. Due to some existing plumbing I'll be using a small diameter copper pipe (don't remember diameter) as a manifold, but this will be connecting via a reducer to a larger diameter pipe...
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    Kungy, Check out this thread Lots of different opinions, and links to one I ended up getting. Not sure about how long the one I have takes to get an accurate reading, but I would say it would be under 10 secs cheers Boots