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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Effect

    Hops - What Do I Do With 'em

    Eat them :D But honestly...if you do a mini boil with some spec grains, chuck a pinch in at 10 mins...then once fermentation stops on the whole batch chuck in 2 g/l of hops dry for a few days...then bottle as normal... You'll then be brewing 10 min IPAs within 6 months. Cheers
  2. Effect

    Pot Ruined?

    SOOO misunderstood the thread name...
  3. Effect

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Easy then mate...just lower your batch size to 20 litres...that will keep it as only two purchases...
  4. Effect

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Hi there mate...I would try and use a bit more amarillo than citra simply because it is lower in AA%. For a 25 litre batch of beer I would be aiming to be adding at least 200 grams of hops - I would rather 225 grams but 200 would be enough. So maybe 125 amarillo and 75 citra... Cheers PS...
  5. Effect

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Good on ya for giving the 10 min IPA a go. As you stated, probably not the best choice for a first brew, but I'm glad you enjoyed it all the same. Try the 10 min IPA again once you have some more brews under your belt (as well as a chiller) and I think you will find that a fresh 10 min IPA is...
  6. Effect

    RecipeDB - 10 Min IPA

    Glad it worked out well for you...I knew it would, I did guarantee it :icon_cheers: Try and let it condition for a bit, however, I find that 10 min IPA are quite punchy when fresh and that's how I like to drink them. Cheers
  7. Effect

    Aabc Accomodation Offer

    I can get rooms ~$130 per night at the oaks plaza pier or liberty towers in glenelg for anyone that is needing them. Cheers
  8. Effect

    10min Ipa With D-saaz

    You know when you drink a beer at the wheaty and you can instantly tell whether a beer is from NZ or the States...I find that riwaka has the NZ character in C hops have that American Flavour. The current batch of Nelson Sauvin hops are divine as well...have a split batch of NWPA...
  9. Effect

    10min Ipa With D-saaz

    I've used riwaka about 4 or 5 times now, only in NWPAs though and one IPA. As it is a bit lower on the AA% side, I haven't done a 10 min IPA with it yet. However, from the experience that I have had with it, I am very confident that it would be an exceptional hop for a 10 min IPA. Might have...
  10. Effect

    10min Ipa With D-saaz

    Do it...I guarantee you'll love it! :beer:
  11. Effect

    Urgent! Overnight Problem?

    I thought that it would have been lactic acid producing bacteria that is present in grain spoiling the wort that would have been of greater concern...there isn't really a remedy against that.
  12. Effect

    Helium In Place Of Co2

    Of course it would be impractical. So is making beer from beer. Give it a go mate and let us know how it goes. We need to know what our limits are. Cheers
  13. Effect

    Costly Lesson Learnt....

    I take it you BIAB? Either way, 69 is quite high. Try 64-65 next time for you non-ale beers. Cheers.
  14. Effect

    What Are You Brewing III

    Amarillo and Munich II smash. Mashed in about 20 mins ago. 1.050 and 30 IBU. 1272 Cheers
  15. Effect

    Whats In A Name? Everything

    Vale ale has very deep pockets and probably won't be turning a profit for the first few years, however they will build such a fan base of customers that they will have a strong foundation and hold on the market that the following years they will go very well. Have you looked at how many crisp...
  16. Effect

    Expectations One Step Ahead....

    Tell me about it. :rolleyes: It doesn't get any better my friend. I at times don't like any beer at all, even good commercial beer from mikkeller and the sorts. I find that it is good to have a SMaSH beer on tap or something very plain and simple. This helps me re-calibrate my taste buds...
  17. Effect

    Biab Nubcake

    Good work. Welcome to the forum. What type of beers have you been brewing/ wish to brew? I'm sure you will find a lot of information on this website if you dig hard enough (or use the search engine). I find that the '[url=""]Flavour...
  18. Effect

    All Taste The Same.

    Has anyone given up brewing beer to go back to buying beer full time, by choice, not by circumstances (i.e. moving overseas, baby on the way, new job etc etc) Cheers
  19. Effect

    French Press Aroma Addition

    I found in the beginning that it was easier for me to use chux than to use a french press for pellets. I would get a fresh piece of chux (blue variety), give it a good soak in hot water before using it like a little hop bag. I would sit it in a plastic container for 2 mins with the hop pellets...
  20. Effect

    French Press Aroma Addition

    Not quite. Continuous venting of the keg (i.e. flushing the headspace with co2 and then releasing it) is said to reduce (or waste) the hop aroma. However, kegging alone will not reduce the aroma of a beer.