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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. johnno

    Keeping Ag Simple

    I have a RIMS system. 2 pumps 5 brewing fidges. Also have a basic gravity fed system I like to use the gravity fed system. No chill. For the time being anyway.
  2. johnno

    2007 Hop Plantations

    Hi redbeard, Good aussie article here. cheers johnno
  3. johnno

    Grains - Bulk Buy Victoria

    I know it is a long shot but if there is any specialty grain going I would be in on it. I have plenty of base malt at the moment. cheers johnno
  4. johnno

    Long Brew Weekend - Jan 2008

    Brewing a stout right now. Also will be making a wheatie tomorrow or Sunday. cheers johnno
  5. johnno

    Dry Stout Recipe Check Please

    G'day all. The reason for the 160 gm of Roasted malt and 40 gm roasted barley is because i only had 160gm of the roasted malt. Yep warren I should have used more of that roasted barley. Just realised it is not too dark when i mashed in. I've been blundering around the house doing odd jobs and...
  6. johnno

    Dry Stout Recipe Check Please

    Here's mine. Just heating water now. Amount Item Type % or IBU 4.50 kg Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (5.9 EBC) Grain 83.33 % 0.50 kg Barley, Flaked (3.3 EBC) Grain 9.26 % 0.20 kg Chocolate Malt (Joe White) (750.6 EBC) Grain 3.70 % 0.16 kg Roasted Malt (Joe White) (1199.7 EBC) Grain...
  7. johnno

    Dry Stout Recipe Check Please

    Good timing SJW. Will be brewing one today or tomorrow. Just the info I am looking for without searching too far. Will post recipe later. cheers johnno
  8. johnno

    Beer Taps For Sale

    Awesome. Top bargain for the buyer. cheers johnno
  9. johnno


    A very good hop IMHO. If you like cascade this is a good one to try. It is not a sub for cascade but has somewhat similar characteristics. Special qualities of it's own,(makes you sleep) like all varieties. Used it in a lot of APA's when I first started AG a few years ago. Also did not use...
  10. johnno

    Tight Arse Stir Plate

    Anyone know anywhere in Melbourne city I can get a stir bar? cheers johnno
  11. johnno

    Your Best Lace

    Took this pic last week sometime. It is an APA. Don't know if it is my best lace but looks pretty good. Small size nonic. cheers johnno
  12. johnno

    How Long In No-chilling Cube?

    Well, I ended up fermenting this and was bottled last week. Brother in law came around yesterday and I used him as a guinea pig. He had 7 pints in 3 hours and was still alive today. Have tasted it and it seems ok. Still do noy want to store for too long though. cheers johnno
  13. johnno

    Anyone Installed There Own Fridgemate

    If you are not sure you should not chance it. Try and find a friendly brewer in your area that does know how to wire one up. I would rather pay a sparky than take a chance with the electricity. cheers johnno
  14. johnno

    Hops - Flowers V Pellets For Noobies

    The only flowers I have used are fresh POR from my homegrown. Have to say they are very smooth. Wish I could grow all varieties. :) And what is all the fuss about POR? Grow some at home and you will love them.
  15. johnno

    What are you brewing II ?

    OK. Rockin Coach Blattodea Ale it is then. :D cheers johnno
  16. johnno

    What are you brewing II ?

    Was brewing yesterday and after adding the sparge water I picked up the utensil I use as a mash paddle to stir the mash and a cockroach went into the mash with it. Bastard died pretty quick but I had to fish around to find it. Have not named the brew yet. I'm sure it was GL who ran one through...
  17. johnno

    Going West....

    There is also the Oz good beer guide directory from the links page. cheers johnno
  18. johnno

    Storing Bottled Beer In The Summer Heat

    Long term storage is bad in the hot weather. The trick is to drink them as quickly as possible. One thing I do like about bottling in the heat is that the bottles carb up within a few days. A batch is lucky to last 2 days here after being bottled anyway. cheers johnno
  19. johnno

    Why Are Most Barstaff...

    wtf is that? Looks like yarra water. cheers johnno
  20. johnno

    2007 Brewing Totals

    Just had a look. Brewed 22 x 23 litre batches. I had to stop in August as I could not get any more help. cheers johnno