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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    2013, What Will Be Your Theme/project/experiments?

    Going to jump into step mashing in my BIAB pot and liquid yeasts in the hope i can crank out a nice belgian golden strong. Have got a 40L crab pot with an insert that i put some stand off bolts in the bottom of, so that i can apply heat directly without scorching the bag/grains. Just need to...
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    How Many (& What Sort) Of Fridges Would Work Best?

    I picked up an upright freezer off gumtree for free, fits two fermenters with a shelf spare at the top and a tray spare at the bottom. Allows me to drop the temp to -1 easily for crash chilling, much prefer it to the fridge i used to use. They only got rid of it because it needed defrosting...
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    What Are You Brewing III

    Just mashed in, an American wheat to have on tap for Christmas. Hope the Zythos blend is good, havent tried them before. Zee Wheat (American Wheat or Rye Beer) Original Gravity (OG): 1.046 (P): 11.4 Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (P): 3.1 Alcohol (ABV): 4.52 % Colour (SRM)...
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    Bulk Buying Ingredients & Is It Worth It?

    Definately buy your grain and hops in bulk, saves you plenty of money. 6 grain variants would cover a fair bit of ground, an ale and/or pils base, light munich, wheat, a couple of crystal malts, maybe some vienna, would cover a fairly wide range of styles. Personally i justbuy the main base...
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    RecipeDB - Simple Saaz Blonde

    Just mashed this in, first brew on my new set-up and my first all-grain in about 12 months! Was aiming for 66 deg mash, got 65.5, happy with that. Only change I made is to do the second hops addition at flameout as i no-chill. Planning another batch in a couple weeks with Joe White Pilsner...
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    3rd Ag Brew - Looking For Nice Summer Beer Recipe

    For summer I am putting down jyos saaz blonde from the recipe db, and an American wheat, 50/50 ale / wheat, your favourite american hop , additions at 60 and 10 to achieve 20 - 30 ibu, and a neutral ale yeast. Simple, refreshing, tasty. The wife and mother in law also enjoy them as a bonus.
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    Splitting A Wyeast Smack Pack

    Are proscitech still the best option for vials? Prices seem to have gone up, was going to cost me $35 delivered. Any cheaper options as i dont really need 50!
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    Homebrew Stores In And Around Newcastle

    Yeah i ordered some stuff a few weeks back, normally hear from him straight away, so after a few days and no response i gave him a call. He said he had just lost some staff and was there by himself trying to keep up with the workload of 2 - 3 people and hadnt been able to do mail orders. Still...
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    Whats The Freezer Temp Of Your Fermenting Fridge?

    When i had a combined fridge/freezer for fermenting @ 18 degrees, i found the freezer section was anywhere from sub zero to 5 degrees depending on the time of year, i stored my thermometer (which stopped at 0) and other stuff in there :P. Funnily, it was coldest in summer, as the fridge was...
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    Super Grolch!

    My wife picked me up one of these a couple of years ago for christmas, so handy, I've used it as growler, for yeast starters, and bottled a couple of brews in it. Been keeping my eye out for more, Dans here i come!
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    Aussie Bush Ale

    I've got a lemon myrtle bush, making tea with 5 - 10 fresh leaves and adding to a brew gives a great refreshing lemon / spice finish. Barons did a lemon myrtle beer, not sure if they still do.
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    Where To Buy A Nasa Burner

    Nice find, the burner by itself costs that much at most places, can think of plenty of uses for a 20 litre pot with an insert if/when you inevitably upgrade to a bigger pot.
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    Where To Buy A Nasa Burner

    I bought one of the mega jets after looking at all the options, in combination with the BCF crab pot with insert which fits the burner stand perfectly, mainly because i could pick it up locally (in Coffs Harbour) and the savings i made in postage on other options made it good value. To test it...
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    Recipe Check - Late High Aa% Hops, No-chill

    Almost ready to fire out a couple of batches on my new BIAB AG rig, finally moving off the stovetop. Have come up with the following recipes, just want to sense check them. The first is an APA with Zythos and Summit, reading around people tend to think summit is a great bittering and aroma...
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    Copper/brass Pickup Tube On Stainless Fittings

    Had a quick look on eBay and found a stainless elbow and 100mm threaded pipe for a couple bucks each, from china. Hopefully the quality isn't terrible and it will make a tidy little pickup tube.
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    Copper/brass Pickup Tube On Stainless Fittings

    Good to know, will put it on for now with a liberal application of thread tape until i get around to getting a SS one, saves me delaying using the new rig for a few more weeks. Thanks for the replies.
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    Copper/brass Pickup Tube On Stainless Fittings

    Just ordered a new SS ball valve and all the bits required to attachd it to my ally pot (thanks Fiorente for the $$!). Craftbrewer were out of stainless compression fittings, and i have a number of brass kingco nuts, copper and nylon olives, and various brass nipples and compression fittings...
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    Aluminium Vs Ss Stockpots

    I just went through this when looking to get a bigger pot, ended up getting an aluminium one. Main downside is you cant use caustic cleaners on it, so can be a bit harder to clean, and doesnt look as schmick. Upside is they are meant to transfer heat better, and are easier to drill if you are...
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    Best & Worst Malts You've Used

    Also a little off topic, has anyone used "MEU AU" Ale or Pils malt? Never heard of it, equivalent to BB?