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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. dreamboat

    New To Ag

    50 litre vessel good for boiler. You will also need a mash tun (possibly an esky) Ideally you would also have a Hot Liquor Tank able to hald around 25 litres of water only. dreamboat
  2. dreamboat

    Home Brew Expert Needed

    Track down one of the local brew clubs.... there are a couple on the Northside, at least one on the southside and another out Ipswich way.... head off to the next meeting, and talk to the people there, tell them what you are looking for, and I'm sure you will find someone suitable. PM me if you...
  3. dreamboat

    Planet Beer - The Beer Show

    You need to get some aluminium foil underpants and a satellite dish connected to an eftpos machine, and then you head out to sea to find some whales..... or something dreamboat
  4. dreamboat

    Temp Controllers For Sale

    One down, one to go... dreamboat
  5. dreamboat

    Temp Controllers For Sale

    Here is a picture..... Cheers dreamboat
  6. dreamboat

    Temp Controllers For Sale

    Hi, I am having a clean out inthe garage, and I have come across a pair of long forgotten temperature controllers. They are the knob adjustment type to set the set point temp, and they have an internal control knob on which you can set the desired operating span. They can be wired for either...
  7. dreamboat

    Finished Stage 1 Of My Mash Tun

    What was your efficiency?? If you are getting 80% or more, then maybe you do not need to change your sparge rate. Sure you may get a slightly better efficiency, but at the cost of maybe another 30 mins on your brew day.... depends on how much time you have to spare I guess. dreamboat
  8. dreamboat

    The Boil

    The end of the boil, when you turn the flame out. dreamboat
  9. dreamboat

    What To Do?

    Could it be DCS??? Dried Corn Sugar dreamboat
  10. dreamboat

    Making A Yeast Starter

    sintax - pump is a bigW jobbie, probably $15 or less I think. The stone is a 2 micron one, and it is fine, but I would not be sure if that pump could handle a 0.5 micron stone. sah - yes, the yeast flocculate fine. I believe that I am mimicking a normal fermentation (just higher yeast count)...
  11. dreamboat

    Making A Yeast Starter

    Well, I was dealing with a swollen wyeast pack tonight, and I figured that I would keep a record as I went to post on the forum. This may be of interest, as I make my starters without the use of a stirrer - some may argue that I have gone beyond the stirrer stage, but as I had the gear to...
  12. dreamboat


    Noonan - New Brewing Lager Beer. Two thumbs up, and not just for lager either. George Fix - Principles of Brewing Science. Three thumbs up... probably more info in that book than you will ever need. dreamboat
  13. dreamboat

    My First Mini-mash!

    I'd go along with that. Definately do a bit of a sparge... how was your OG reading? So long as you ferment at the right temp, and lager around 2C for a few weeks after fermentation is finished... you should get a good quality brew out of this. Keep in mind that you may also need to do a...
  14. dreamboat

    Bett-a-brew Dry Kits - Anyone Tried?

    I second the opinion of AC.... The tosser in the shop told me that the beer I would make with his bag of dry stuff would be better than anything I could make with mashing. That was enough to guarantee that I will not buy the product, and will also keep me away from his establishment for the...
  15. dreamboat

    Temperature Controllers

    Hi all, Well, it looks like we are up to three.... lets get up to six and I will call it an order. dreamboat
  16. dreamboat

    Homebrewing On "clever"

    It really was set up to ensure that the answers would be wrong. It was heavily implied that should you run out of beer, you could somehow make some from scratch and have it ready to drink by the end of an ad' break. Even the one bloke who had done some brewing ("needs to sit at 26-28C") figured...
  17. dreamboat

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    7 grams of yeast is never enough. Unless you are doing around 12 litre batches. There is plenty of information on the 'net about yeast pitching rates (measures in millions or billions of cells per millilitre of wort) and universally, that info will ilndicate that 7g of dry yeast is not enough...
  18. dreamboat

    Show Us Your Beer Engines

    When I have used it, I have been very happy with the result, so I have certainly not considered tracking down a sparkler. Cheers Dreamboat
  19. dreamboat

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    I made a quick and easy kit and bits with this, and have had it in the keg for a week or so now after only a short lagering period. I did a boil with around 5 litres of water, 500g of LDME and 8g of czech saaz pellets. Only boiled it for 15 mins as I did not want to add too much bitterness to...
  20. dreamboat

    Show Us Your Beer Engines

    Here are a couple of pictures of my beer engine..... It is a Higene brand unit, no drip tray and no sparkler, but pours a very nice lightly carbonated drop as is.... and I love it. Really should have got in on the BB, but I am happy to use it at the moment if I plan on finishing a keg...