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  1. stakka82

    Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

    You're drinking it after shipping. I imagine fresh it's a different beast... the fresher ones I have had are definitely aromatic. I would bet my house it's dry hopped.
  2. stakka82


    I have to disagree on the use of dextrose or table sugar to prime, if your other brewing practices are sound priming with sugar won't have a negative impact.
  3. stakka82

    Help on biab IPA

    IMO just brew it. It's going be pretty good anyway, and you can tweak it in future if you want to rebrew as you learn about what each ingredient brings to the table. The only change I would make personally is to reduce the 30 min addition a bit and up the late one to keep the same IBU which...
  4. stakka82

    20 / 25 L cubes

    Yeah its really annoying that bunnings have stopped stocking the regular ones. I suppose there's nothing wrong with the blue ones (in fact I've bought a few and am using them) but much prefer the normal cube style. Plus the blue tall skinny ones are harder to stack and store.
  5. stakka82

    Mashing at 2 temperatures at once - what happens?

    Post is inconclusive. Two mash temps means more paying attention!
  6. stakka82

    Relocation sale - CO2 bottle, kegs and other stuff - Perth

    Congrats on the job mate, best of luck... good to hear you'll still gonna give it a crack in asia!
  7. stakka82

    An awesome stuff up...

    Assuming your equipment can handle it personally I would make a double batch of an american wheat, or leave the crystal out and make some type of continental wheat beer. But that's my mood right now and i'm also being unimaginative. Also depends on what hops/yeast you have on hand.
  8. stakka82

    Help choose our tap beer - Royal George Hotel

    Hh esb and boatrocker hopbomb are both awesome... So is anything by 8 wired
  9. stakka82

    Wyeast 2000 Budvar uses?

    2000 is a great yeast, great in just about any style of lager I reckon! 2001 and 2278 are great too.
  10. stakka82


    I thought exp 366 was the best... One of the best beers I have had in a long time.
  11. stakka82


    Yeah I had that beer the other night too. Good, but not the best of a great series. I felt it was very similar to other c hops.
  12. stakka82

    Wheat doesn't make beer tart

    I only ever get tartness when using wheat in conjunction with a wit yeast.
  13. stakka82

    Hop shelf life

    Invest in a $50 vacuum sealer from eBay. It'll keep you hops fresh much longer and save you money in the long run.
  14. stakka82

    Coopers best extra stout recipe (AG)

    I have often wondered... I would say english yeast, a fair whack of roast barley, and a bit more late hopping that your usual stout, fermented on the warm side about 20 odd degrees. Could be totally wrong but that's my stab in the dark, not sure if they might actually even use the pale/sparking...
  15. stakka82

    WLP-510. What to do?

    I have heard that if your sanitation is up to scratch you should be able to get away with using your regular equipment, if you wanted to be thorough you could bleach your stuff or hot caustic it after the batch is done rather than making a bunch of purchases.
  16. stakka82

    Danstar BRY-97?

    Does anyone else get an exceedingly sweet aroma with this yeast when fermenting APA type beers? Quite a few times I have thought I've had a diacetyl problem with recent beers but on reflection they have all been fermented with bry and not us-05 (i use both depending on what i have in the...
  17. stakka82


    How are you able to discern the differences if they're being used in a blend?
  18. stakka82


    Hi The missus and I are going on a central european car trip in a few weeks and we're looking to break it up a bit with a week on the coast in either Slovenia or Croatia. Does anyone have any suggestions for particular towns/locations? Ideally looking for a nice beach that's not completely...
  19. stakka82


    Always used to happen to me in kit days, not a problem with Ag.
  20. stakka82

    Banana milkshake stout

    I know it's cheating but I would use banana essence, wouldn't think you would get a lot of flavour from the banana addition