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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Oh Dear .... Vb & New Wins A Choice "taste Test"

    I couldn't give a flying f*#k what choice says or how subjective it is. My tastebuds rule my "choices",and I obey them. 90% of the time they lead me to my own HB,and thats why I'm here. Not to work myself into a pointless lather over what the commercial brewers and drinkers are doing and...
  2. M

    Research (james Squire)

    good work! a top read as well. Don't suppose your research unearthed any of his original recipes?
  3. M

    Left Over Taco Mince

    Maybe it's just an indication of the fact that those who've been around awhile hav'nt really got anything new or interesting to say any more.After all its the same ol Q's with same ol answers pretty much.
  4. M

    You Tube Funny

    Check out this Glitzy,glammy gay animated ode to beer. Party without ya pants on.
  5. M

    Coopers Sparkling Ale

    Step 3. Don't expect it to resemble the commercial product in any way. From distant memory it was an amber coloured ale that was far too sweet and cloying in a extracty kind of way.
  6. M

    Single Infusion Mash Temps

    Nah can't see much point.One will be fruitier than the other, with the risk of fusels. I would never let any ale strain get above 20c intentionally these days.16>19c are my usual temps even with weizen strains.esters are great but not if they smell like lolly bananas. sorry to go OT everyone...
  7. M

    Show Us Your Coffee Machine

    Well its good to see Mods and Admin have moved this to the appropriate sub forum,Hey RM ;) Any way I've got one of these cheapies as well and it makes a lurvley short black with plenty of sexy Crema.
  8. M

    Men And Maths ...

    He is still one shy of a "brewers dozen" :o Looks like a nice variety to educate your beer palate with. The emersons APA is a great example of hoppiness.
  9. M

    And So It Begins

    Yep, you've seen it done, now just go do it with what you've got. Times a'wastin, real beer from grains is in your grasp, do it grasshopper.
  10. M

    Brewing Notes - Vb Rubbish

    Done. Cheers . Dave.
  11. M

    Brewing Notes - Vb Rubbish

    Noobs deserve some slack and help, my point is a topic on coffee gets moved to off topics rather than food/beer forum(it is a beverage after all) ,and a pointless thread abouts dogs, alive and dead continues in the pub.
  12. M

    Brewing Notes - Vb Rubbish

    And while we're at whinging,WTF have dead dogs, cheese and sausages got to do with brewing other than off topics fer chrisakes!!!Roger mellie posts about coffee(a beverage at least) and mods see fit to OT it, whilst frivolous threads of condolences to a dead dog continue in the pub thread. :o...
  13. M

    What's Yer Favourite Saf?

    Yep, get a new retailer
  14. M

    Help ! I've Got Exploding Bottles

    put on some safety glasses(eye protection),and some gloves and open one warm.if it gushes out like champange and has an acidic/vinegary quality you may have an infection such as it up.
  15. M

    What's Yer Favourite Saf?

    US 05 is my default house yeast these days,It just seems to suit my tastes when combined with a 65c mash temp in a PA.Clean with hops to the fore. T58 is also worth a try for some spicy aromas and more european ale character.
  16. M

    Safbrew T-58 Ferment Temperatures

    20 and above will yield some bananas.try 18c
  17. M

    Beer Glass Size

    Hey Warren, Cool glass.....That's the British Bulldog of Pintglasses
  18. M

    Honey In Lcpa?

    I some times get honeyish flavas from caramunich,but never detectedit behind the upfront citric character of LCPA.Maybe if you let it warm up and some of thehop aromas breathe off. Prolly written by a beer ignorant wine tosser anyway! :ph34r:
  19. M

    Commercial Beers

    Bloody great idea!!! :super: You are no forgiven for that erroneous post :lol: :beer:
  20. M


    Balanced is the word and what they are after I'm sure. The IPA on tap is certainly easy drinkin. I hear you on the NB,not a fan either but I love Its grandaughter challenger. The Steam ale has ammarillo in it as well IIRC The Southerly buster is a little too sweet from the bottle but has more...