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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B


    lol, trying to scam my sister to buy some and post it to darwin !
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    Confusion On A Light Beer

    got a mild planned as well, was thinking of using a packet of wyeast 1469 i got a month back
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    Confusion On A Light Beer

    cheers dude, been looking a bit more and figured depending on what i do i guess i could always call it a blonde ale as they can be 3.8 or something. better go find my thinking cap :)
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    Confusion On A Light Beer

    been trying to find which style / category i should put a beer i've been planning to brew. was thinking of a mid strength apa style but there is no such thing and if by chance it tastes good and i went all silly and entered it a comp that followed bjcp guidelines i would be lost. apa's are...
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    New Keg Setup - Dud Reguator ?

    well, a quick update. it was a dud, took it back and they tried it on thier co2 and nothing. swapped it over and i now have a kegging system that works !! only taken me about 2 yrs to get it done :lol: thanks for all the replies and hints !
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    New Keg Setup - Dud Reguator ?

    Hi again the brand is tesuco and its a single gauge (fits in the fridge better) so the big question is, should the needle move as i use the alan-key ? or will it only move when there is gas coming into it?
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    New Keg Setup - Dud Reguator ?

    i think i have wound it all the way out and back again but still no movement on the needle
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    New Keg Setup - Dud Reguator ?

    i got a sodastream adaptor and a new bottle. i can vent gas from the bottle by itself and when i screw just the adaptor on. i get gas when i do either. sounds like i might have a problem with the regulator :(
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    New Keg Setup - Dud Reguator ?

    hi all just after some hints or pointers. i bought my regulator for my small keg setup and i think i might be doing something very wrong or something is broken. i have a regulator that needs an alan-key to set the pressure. but the instructions are rather lacking. is it clockwise to...
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    A Fair Go For Craft Beer

    signed and emailed my local member as well
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    Miricle / Jockey Box Setup

    hey dude, good timing as i'm in the process of thinking about building one myself. copper might be a bad choice as the beer will react with the copper over time and make your beer bad. stainless coils and plate chillers would be the next best solution. but i've been doing some thinking and i...
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    Where Did Your Username Come From?

    just a chopped down version of my last name that was given to me at primary school and has be a nickname ever since. the piccy, well i think the evil bert stuff is funny so i had to use it
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    Irish Red Ale

    thanks, i have been thinking of maybe dropping some of the carared and adding in maybe some munich or melanoidin to add a little more malt flavor
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    Irish Red Ale

    okey dokey, trying to think of another brew to get down before the holiday season starts and i get thirsty (hot up this way B) ) was looking at having a crack at a red ale (my first) as i'll have some 1084 yeast going for my oatmeal stout. being gear limited... still i hear people yell ! i...
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    I'm A Bad Naughty Brewer

    hmmm, i might have a look at the one and see what i can see thanks for the tip !
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    I'm A Bad Naughty Brewer

    done and done :) as for hot weather brewing i used one of these babies for about 12-18 months up here in darwin. i couldn't brew lagers in it but i could get some good ales out of it. it would keep things around 24c while it was a loving 34c+ out side. Son of Chiller i used the foam that...
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    I'm A Bad Naughty Brewer

    well, looks around.. *ahem*, i'm sorry everyone, i've been a bad bad boy and haven't posted here in way to long and haven't brewed in many many months. it good to see some of the old names around and good to see so many new names here ! and yes i must confess, i have brewed again and just...
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    Breweries In The Barossa

    bump.. anyone have any clues?
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    Breweries In The Barossa

    hi all, not sure if i posted in the right section, however i'm managed to get permission to check out a brewery in the barossa and after a good location, needs to be kid and grand parents friendly and serve up a good meal for lunch. any pointers or places would be most welcome. cheers guys...
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    Anawbs 2007 Results

    congrats to everyone involved, did the NT get anyone there this year?