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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. r055c0

    Cube swollen

    We seem to bring botulism into the swollen cube argument a lot but all the information I've read / heard doesn't seem to mesh with the arguments against fermenting out swollen cubes. I'm not an expert in the field by any means (or any field for that matter) but what I understand about botulism...
  2. r055c0

    FS: Grain Storage Barrels Melbourne (Eastern Suburbs)

    I'd love to grab 2 if you still have any by Wednesday evening
  3. r055c0

    Cube swollen

    People talk about "the risk" a lot but my understanding is if the wort has fermented there is no risk. From the article linked above: As it turns out, homebrewed beer probably wouldn’t hurt you, because the simple fermentation produces only ethanol, not its toxic cousin methanol, said Gary...
  4. r055c0

    website deals of the day

    Not sure if this counts as a website deal but Core Brewing Concepts in Dandenong has 20% off hops today (possibly tomorrow too, can't remember what the ad said and cant check as no facebookz from work PC), details are on the facebook page
  5. r055c0

    New LHBS in SE Melb Burbs (Dandy South)

    They've got 20% off hops today (& maybe tomorrow I think), check out the facebook page for details
  6. r055c0

    Pumpkin Ale Recipe Check please

    Yeah, my FG was a few points higher than I expected, I even pitched more yeast (us-05) and gave it another week but the gravity didn't drop below 1.020 Edit: testing a bottle on thursday
  7. r055c0

    Traveling brewer

    Fixed it for you ;)
  8. r055c0

    Keggle heat shroud / shield - getting more out of LPG

    I love the idea but my understanding is there needs to be an opening at the top for the gas to escape, otherwise you create a "blanket" of gas which can insulate your kettle from the heat, anyone know more about that idea? BTW by gas I mean the hot air / burnt LNG fumes etc, not unburned gas...
  9. r055c0

    25L Cubes

    Soak it in Porter or Stout for your first brew, port or sherry notes would be deilghtful in those ;)
  10. r055c0

    25L Cubes

    I've had one sitting around for 6 weeks before pitching and had no problems with it, mostly I pitch within a couple of days. If the cube starts to expand you may have an infection though, so best to be careful. There is heaps of info on cubing around this site, run your eye over it before you...
  11. r055c0

    25L Cubes

    That’s pretty much spot on, I try to get my wort into the cube before it drops below 90C, this gives it plenty of time to effectively sterilise the cube (by pasteurisation which occurs above 80C and takes at least 15 minutes)
  12. r055c0

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I've put a bid on the element, just down the road from my house :)
  13. r055c0

    Chinese/taiwanese Rice Wine

    Going to have a go at this on the weekend, sounds like fun :)
  14. r055c0

    Breaking in a new rig

    That's 5g and 10g of each of the four kinds of hops at each addition. This place smells amazing :)
  15. r055c0

    Breaking in a new rig

    Hanging out in the new factory with Micah at Core Brewing Concepts, giving his new rig is first run through. So much shiny stuff... The maiden voyage is a trip to flavour town with a double IPA, 5- of hops every 3 minutes for the first 20 minutes, then 10g every 3 minutes for the remaining 40...
  16. r055c0

    25L Cubes

    I'd be keen on a few, I'm in Dandenong but could possibly pick a few up from you if anyone else out this way is interested.
  17. r055c0

    US05 question

    The gravity went back up? I'd be getting a new hydrometer... Is there another AHB member that lives nearby who might be able to pop over and test your beer with their hydrometer / refractometer?
  18. r055c0

    Cube swollen

    Listening to the latest episode of basic brewing this morning and they touched on this. Apparently botulism cant survive in beer so if it is actually fermenting & producing alcohol the risk should be zero. I'd be inclined to see if the gravity is dropping, and if it is let it ferment out. It...
  19. r055c0

    BIAB legacy podcast

    I'm a 3V brewer and can't say I'll be switching to BIAB myself (however I have helped a couple of mates get started with BIAB), but I was really interested to hear about the idea of full volume mashing. I tried it myself with a mild last night and not only did it give me a few extra points of...