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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Rinsing Yeast (in Pictures)

    never used wyeast but will be doing shortly (allways used whitelabs).How much yeasty liquid (without smacking nutrient pouch) is there in a wyeast pouch? Says 125ml on pack tho that includes nutrient.
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    Aussie Made Durable Hydrometers And Carboys

    Is be more interested in a basic stainless fermentor of a bunnings fermentor only woldnt need to be thick walled and to heavy-duty I'd imagine.
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    SYD - Young Henrys Home Brew Competition

    Yeah I remember them,knew a few of those lads.
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    My New Mash Tun

    The holes are plated and welded up.the aircells prob not the best,and it does transfer heat,it gets a little warm.the campmat on the bottom,i believe is remains cool to touch.overall 1deg c lost over the hour has me not concerned.if its a prob in winter weather i reckon ill go all...
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    My New Mash Tun

    made a new mashtun out of an old keg cut down to 36l for single batches (infusion),check it out! Insulated with a removable jacket of aircell insulation i scored from a site.Drains via a skin fitting through the bottom,false bottom held in place with 2 welded in 5mm bolts and wingnuts.Couple...
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    White King Ok?

    should be ok,just rinse the bejesus outta it a final rinse before use i boil a jug of water and rinse with it.Ive been using this stuff for the last 6 months eco store soaker p.s keg king are selling 1 kilo of pure sodium percarbonate for $10 also..worth trying
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    been looking for a mini bar style fridge we can take camping with us,use for partys on the back deck when needed and when not being used for these things,to double as an extra fermenting/conditioning fridge of course.Found this baby $325 2 year warranty...takes a bunnings fermentor..and as ive...
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    Speidels Braumeister. Impressive Yes. Expensive Yes.

    I wonder how far off an asian rip off version is.maybe its such a limited market they arent going to bother.
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    Coopers- What Gives?

    My local has kent brown and kent black on tap.
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    Domed False Bottom Grind Size

    bit of research and im thinking with my gap setting and mill being motorised, my crush is a bit fine for the false bottom.Will increase gap size and give her a go.
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    Domed False Bottom Grind Size

    I added grain,then water(as ive done a hundred times with my braided tun).i suppose a fair bit of the smaller stuff just fell through when dry ? i meen,anything uner 2mm in that layers gonna fall through right?
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    Domed False Bottom Grind Size

    yeh,tried out a one today with a 1mm grind,poor clarity,heaps of chunks got through,this comparing to my other braided tun,with that setup,clear after 4 1.5l jugs vorlaufed.
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    Domed False Bottom Grind Size

    What size you setting mill gap at for the shop bought domed falsies?
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    When Have You Noticed Infection?

    kegged and tastes good.
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    When Have You Noticed Infection?

    the infection only showed after fermentation ceased,so its either air getting in later and infecting?or an earlier infection coming alive once the good yeast army has left the battlefield?
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    When Have You Noticed Infection?

    I remember cursing at a large moth fluttering on the fluro above pot whilst chilling the wort ,and thinking infection for sure
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    When Have You Noticed Infection?

    Have an infected batch.The infection has showed up as milky white film with the odd bubble that breaks up into white plates when disturbed. wort was fermented with white labs Notingham strain,cleared up at about 7 days,top of beer clean as a whistle at(to the naked eye anyhow) about 10 days.Went...
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    Most Commonly Used Grains To Bulk Buy.

    I cant search the forum with my phone(icons missing),but theres a long thread not long ago on what base malt do you stock at home
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    Sexy Stainless Thingys

    dont u have fantasys?
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    Sexy Stainless Thingys