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  1. fergi

    Stc-100 As Replacement Thermostat For Fridge/freezer

    has anyone wired up the eletech digital temp controller from beerbelly, wired up according to the wiring diagram but it doesnt kick the fridge in,all the functions light up and work but the fridge doesnt kick in,when i wired up my temp mate i am sure i had to put a couple of bridging wires in ...
  2. fergi

    Whats Your House Beer?

    screwtops red ale is my house beer, great flavour,easy beer to make with no complications. fergi
  3. fergi

    New Brews At Local Woolies

    four pines kolsch is nice, this is what made me try making a kolsch. cheers fergi
  4. fergi

    Beer Line Wont Connect To Keg

    ok after a lot of frustration i finally worked out why the disconnects wouldnt go back on. i noticed that the coils inside my beer fridge were really frosted up so i stuck a temperature gauge into the fridge, guess what, minus 5 degrees. i tried pressing the valve in on the keg post and found...
  5. fergi

    No Chill What The Hell Happened?

    nice clean fridge there fingers, i think i will try the same thing on my fridge next brew. ferg
  6. fergi

    Beer Line Wont Connect To Keg

    thanks for the replies guys, o ring is normal size, the disconnect is in the proper side, only thing i havent tried is the lube because i dont use it and havent got any. anything i can use that wont effect the beer that i might have lying around. cheers fergi
  7. fergi

    Beer Line Wont Connect To Keg

    i have just put new rubber orings on my kegs, problem is i cant get the beer QD to go back on any of the kegs, even the ones that i didnt put new o rings on. the original reason i put new o rings on was that one of the o rings was cut. infact all my gas escaped overnight. the QD looks to be...
  8. fergi

    How Old Are You? How Long Have You Been Hbing?

    started my first brew in 1972 when i was doing national service, we made a brew with liquid malt,bakers yeast and i am not sure what hops we used, made it in a large plastic garbage bin ,didnt even sterilize the garbage bin, it was drinkable but only just. my age, 63, but i think i act a lot...
  9. fergi

    First Brew Failure! - Salvagable?

    hi kario, welcome to AHB, keep your temp at 20 deg if you can , you can try giving the fermenter a really good swirl and then see if it kicks off, if not throw another yeast in , its your first brew and you might as well try it then you can see what its like,country brewer kits from what i...
  10. fergi

    What Size Kettle For Double Brew

    i currently have a 40 liter kettle which i do single brews on. i am wondering what size kettle would i need for a double batch and what size gas burner would i need. i currently have a 3 ring rambo which does a single batch easily. would the rambo do a double batch or would it struggle to get...
  11. fergi

    Dump A Blonde Onto A Wlp036 Yeast Bed

    ok i will give it a go, sounds like it may be interesting. thanks DJR FERGI
  12. fergi

    Dump A Blonde Onto A Wlp036 Yeast Bed

    i have a kolsch sitting in my ferment fridge @ 2 deg, ccing for a couple of days at that temp, i have a blonde waiting in a cube which i usually throw in the fermenter with us05. i am wondering how the wlp 036 trub would handle the blonde instead of using the us05. probably leave half the trub...
  13. fergi

    Stalled - Repitching With Different Yeast?

    well after 3 weeks and down to 1010 its finished,generally some people like to test after a few days but i reckon after 3 weeks and 1010 your good to go, next brew with the us05 try and keep the temp more constant, i always pitch at around 18 deg with us05 and keep it at that temp, now you...
  14. fergi

    How Long Will Cube Keep

    ok thanks guys, thought it should be ok. fergi
  15. fergi

    Weizen Too Hot?

    try and get it down to at least 20, sit it in a bath or tub of water with ice, only needs to be about 6 inches deep but worth the effort. fergi
  16. fergi

    How Long Will Cube Keep

    i have a blonde AG in a cube, no head space as its a 20 litre cube with about 22 liters in it, so its full right up to the cap, havent got room in my fermenting fridge for about a week so will this be ok in the cube for that length of time. fergi
  17. fergi

    Splitting A Wyeast Smack Pack

    good point there screwy, never thought of that. thanks fergi
  18. fergi

    Best Way To Save Yeast Wlp 036

    ok thanks for the replys , i didnt realise the vials were plastic,. fergi
  19. fergi

    Best Way To Save Yeast Wlp 036

    i have a kolsch fermenting at the moment. i am using a wlp 036 liquid yeast so i want to save some for my next kolsch, is it a top cropper or bottom, i was thinking of putting it in the glass vial that it came in then i can build up a starter when needed. fergi