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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Gulf Brewery

    My Fermenting Wort Stinks

    Dicko My calculations for a London profile water starting from distilled which is probably a good starting point for rain water. Mash 53 litres Gypsum CaSO4 8.44g Baking Soda NaHCO3 4.22g Calcium Chloride CaCl2 2.81g Chalk CaCO3 5.63g Sparge 26 litres Gypsum...
  2. Gulf Brewery

    My Fermenting Wort Stinks

    Hi Dicko Do you have/use Promash? The figures out of that for the brewing water are reasonably accurate. If you don't have that, tell me what profile of water you want to reach and I will work out some figures for you so you can compare to the figures you have. Cheers Pedro
  3. Gulf Brewery

    Dvd/hdd Recorder Combo Boxes

    Interesting topic as my STB just died. What do people think of these on evilbay Cheers Pedro
  4. Gulf Brewery

    Rice Hull Stockist In Adelaide?

    Rudy I bought some a few years ago from Olivers Grain & Garden at Warradale. If Beerbelly supplies them, get what you need from him, otherwise you will end up with a very large bale that you will never use. Cheers Pedro
  5. Gulf Brewery

    Font Fittings

    Hi Dicko They look like they go onto the keg couplers. If they do, then they will be 5/8" thread - get him to check against a standard 1/2" thread. You can cut them off and fit the normal black post mix keg fittings. Cheers Pedro
  6. Gulf Brewery

    Yeast Starters

    Hi Bruce2 I have had good success pitching this yeast warm and dropping the temperature of the wort as soon as the yeast is pitched. Pitching warm gives you lots of initial yeast growth and then dropping the wort to fermenting termperature over the next 12 to 14 hours as yeast shouldn't be...
  7. Gulf Brewery

    Doc's Tour Of San Diego

    Remember Doc, they have changed the rules on binge drinking, so you are only now allowed a mouthful of each beer now :D Cheers Pedro PS You poor bugger .......
  8. Gulf Brewery

    Adelaide Water

    Hey Gregg_J The high Na level is a hassle trying to balance the water and the Ca level also needs to be boosted to at least 50 for yeast health. We use acid to drop the water pH and Calcium Carbonate to increase the Ca level Cheers Pedro
  9. Gulf Brewery

    Adelaide Water

    There is a later version available from here You need to search on terms in that spreadsheet to find it on the awqc site. Cheers Pedro
  10. Gulf Brewery

    My Temp Control Setup

    bugwan I have all that stuff you mention running without a problem. I used the software from here - I did have some hassles until I got the correct version of the perl module to do the graphing. Cheers Pedro
  11. Gulf Brewery

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    This may be Lion gear, as in the "Old Lion Hotel" that had a microbrewery before they became popular. I heard that Bickfords had this stuff in storage, but never found out what happened to it. Cheers Pedro
  12. Gulf Brewery

    Home Made Bottle Dryer

    Hi zoidberg99 I used a piece of lattice supported by a frame Cheers Pedro
  13. Gulf Brewery

    Liquid Yeast - Ok To Pitch Without Starter?

    I thought I did in my original reply B) As for the SG of the starter - I have always used 1.040 as per the white labs instructions. You don't want to make a 1.025 starter and then pitch it into a much higher gravity beer - 1.040 seems like a reasonable compromise of starter SG and wort SG...
  14. Gulf Brewery

    Liquid Yeast - Ok To Pitch Without Starter?

    You need a few degrees and several life times to fully understand yeast PoMo, so don't feel too bad :lol: To put it simply, making a starter gets the yeast from a dormant to active state and starts them multiplying. When you get to pitch them into the actual batch, there are more of them...
  15. Gulf Brewery

    Liquid Yeast - Ok To Pitch Without Starter?

    Hi You can pitch the tube straight into 20 litres, but a starter is a better way. Even though you don't have enough time to kick off a fully active starter, it still would be good to get the yeast multiplying and growing before pitching into your wort. If you can, get a starter going 2 or 3...
  16. Gulf Brewery

    Buying Beer Bottles In Bulk

    Cospak and Silverlock are national suppliers - check the ACI site for others. There are 2250 on a pallet. Cheers Pedro
  17. Gulf Brewery

    Danstar Munich Dried Wheat Yeast

    Just getting slightly back towards the original question posed - has anyone got some more feedback on the flavour profile? Cheers Pedro
  18. Gulf Brewery

    Do We Have Organically Grown Malted Barley ?

    Hi pumpy We even have our own locally produced organic malt from Glenbar malting I haven't used them, but was chasing malts for an organic beer a while ago. There are organic hops around as well Cheers Pedro
  19. Gulf Brewery

    Over The Side Immersion Heater

    Hi Barry I had a SG3 - way back in 2004 I bought it from MMEM who supply electrical goods The SG3 is an over the side 2400W immersion heater manufactured by Stokes The thread has a lot more info on heaters, but some of the info may be out of date. Cheers Pedro
  20. Gulf Brewery

    Cleaning And Sanitizing Kegs And Beer Lines.

    Hi MCT Napisan is not really a sanitiser - some people do use it for that, but it is a really a cleaner. Get yourself a good, no rinse sanitiser to go with it. Cheers Pedro