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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. The Big Burper

    Cider Recipe

    Franko, Thanks for that cider recipe, looks good, will give it a try. cheers Dave
  2. The Big Burper

    Alc Content

    Mr R, :icon_offtopic: I think you may be wrong here, I think it is more to do with the coriolis effect, unless he is brewing on a very fast train. <_< BB
  3. The Big Burper

    Still Fermenting?

    Kenny, Best to leave all brews in the fermenter for 14 days, you will get a cleaner tasting beer as the yeast 'cleans up". As long as you don't disurb the CO2 layer, it will be safe for a few weeks. Chantilly Lace
  4. The Big Burper

    Gassing A Keg

    +1 Yep, leave it set up at serving pressure (I do around 90 -97 kPa) and it's ready in a week. Leave the gas on all the time, saves rootin' around. Enjoy your beer/s :icon_cheers: cheers Dave
  5. The Big Burper

    Lagering Without The Gas

    Hello chaps, I was replying to a post today about kegs and lagering, and got to thinking Can you lager a lager in a cube or summat without adding gas or any sugar. See I keg, and I thought maybe I could store a proper lager at the proper temp without gas, and keg up when it has had the proper...
  6. The Big Burper

    New Brewer - Question On Boiling

    A, Coopers APA is Ok, the best of the two is the Morgans Golden Saaz Pilsner, needs no additives, it has a beautiful malty taste and is well hopped. Add about 700g dex to up the alcohol content. I keg this one, but it would taste even better bottled and left for a couple of months. cheers Dave
  7. The Big Burper

    Typical Rookie Mistake

    G, I take it you bought the Saflager yeast, as the yeast provided with the original Coopers lager is an ale yeast. Starting off with a proper lager yeast is a bit ambitious for a first time attempt, as to get this brew to taste to its potential it needs to be lagered for quite a while. With...
  8. The Big Burper

    Whats Your Fav. K&k/k&b's ?

    Hello there BG and fellow forum members, and others, My usual is Morgans Queensland Bitter, a kilo pack of the local HBS brew booster (550g Dex, 250g LDME, and 200g corn syrup) with cluster hops, either teabag in keg, or loose boiled up with the brew booster. Either way, it is a tasty drop...
  9. The Big Burper

    Coopers Bav Can

    Coopers Bavarian Lager. This kit is one for bottling. I kegged a Bavarian, and of course, it did not have enough time to mature, my turnround time for a keg is 14 days. The sulphur smell from the yeast really got up ya nose, but the flavour was OK, and I managed to drink the lot. I would...
  10. The Big Burper

    Have I Oxidized My Beer?

    C1, Oxidised beer has a "wet cardboard" taste, once tasted never forgotten. Your brew sounds fine. cheers Dave.
  11. The Big Burper

    The 20 Minute Miracle

    Starve the lizards - Have to get one of those Brewzer kits. Kit contains, among other things 1 x 10 pint miracle beer powder Oh, lordy lordy
  12. The Big Burper

    Common Uses Of Rainwater

    Yep, rainwater good. Rainwater is soft water, ideal for lagers and pilsners. For ales you may need to harden it up, called Burtonising, named after Burton-on-Trent in the UK, famous for its nice hard groundwater that makes fabulous ales. So when you add your sugars/malts, add 1 tablespoon of...
  13. The Big Burper

    Let It Grow Or Throw?

    KP, The question to be asked is "what's it taste like". If it doesn't taste like beer don't drink it. If it tastes like beer, still don't drink it. B) The ancient Egyptians probably used the same yeast for bread and beer, and look what happened to them!
  14. The Big Burper

    Mauri Yeasts

    I agree. Two different kettles of fish. <_< Coopers starts and ferments faster than 514, I know, cause I use both all the time. cheers Dave
  15. The Big Burper

    Speciality Grain - How Much?

    Ummmmm, Looks like I'm wrong. :rolleyes: but........ I think that is sufficient if just jollying up a can. As you say, any more and it should be balanced by extra hops, then, that's extra steps. cheers Dave
  16. The Big Burper

    Speciality Grain - How Much?

    How much? With a kit, 3g per liter, max 100g per brew, unless you like sweet crap. :unsure: cheers Dave
  17. The Big Burper

    First Brew

    Warm water with a dash of Vegemite ?
  18. The Big Burper

    Fixing Temp In Fermenter Fridge

    Fitty, There is a little gizmo called a 'fridgemate" which is just what you want. It is available from Craftbrewer or any of the sponsors listed at the top of the page. Do a search on fridgemate for more into. The duck's nuts. cheers and welcome to the forum. Dave
  19. The Big Burper

    Coopers Micro-brew Fermenter

    Hello dere, You can get giant rubber bands from your local stationery shop for about 20 ea. cheers The B. B. (You know what I like!)
  20. The Big Burper

    Bottling Kegged Beer

    Thanks for the replies, I probably should have used the term "matured" rather than condition. It was a Coopers Australia Pale Ale, local HBS equivalent of BE2, and an extra 200g dex. So we had 750g dex, 200g corn syrup and 250 g LDME, Fermented with S-04 yeast, pitched straight in, fermented...