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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Samwise Gamgee

    Cc With Ale Yeast

    I've bulk primed before when the temp of the brew was low and had no carbonation probs. I'm not 100% sure what temp it was at though. Edit: When the temp is raised, does yeast automatically go back into suspension? Or does it need to be roused with a bit of a shake?
  2. Samwise Gamgee

    Americans Upset The Germans Again!

    If we are lucky Bud won't make back the money they spent on the bid, then hopefully they won't sponser the WC again...........or if we are really lucky any sporting event outside of the US! :beer: but there will be a lot of thirsty people in the stadiums, so not sure how long they'll hold...
  3. Samwise Gamgee

    Sydney Beer Festival

    KoNG, shall I join you with my Duvel glass also? :P You got a Leffe Chalice? Could bring that along too! :lol:
  4. Samwise Gamgee

    Brewing Books

    Ray Daniels - Designing Great Beers = Very useful, lots of info to help design your own receipes. John Palmer - How to Brew = Very useful, especially when starting off on any type of brewing (AG/Partial/Extract)
  5. Samwise Gamgee

    Birthday Drinks

    Thanks guys! Happy birthday to Armaca(37), PMyers(31), wee stu(46), ODDBALL(33). Unfortunately I won't be able to make it tonight Doc, you should have seen the look on certain family members faces when I said I had a brew club meeting tonight! They weren't impressed as plans had been made :lol:
  6. Samwise Gamgee

    Birthday Drinks

    Happy Birthday Trent! Have a good one! :beer:
  7. Samwise Gamgee

    Man Vs Machine Who Will Win

    I agree with you that he was boxing smart................but it didn't do much for me. I personally prefer fast moving and aggressive fight, which this was definately not. HAHAHAHA! I don't even know if you'd call that a fight! It was just a mauling! It looks like Hoppa has found a different...
  8. Samwise Gamgee

    Man Vs Machine Who Will Win

    I thought the fight was like every other mundine fight. First few rounds, just pretty much run away around the ring while Green did all the work. Then as Green starts to get tired, Mundine starts to actually box a bit and starts to land a few good hits. Then when mundine knows he's up on...
  9. Samwise Gamgee

    My Taps Are Installed!

    I think he might need a visit............maybe after Canberra :P P.S. Don't forget your tools! For the visit to your uncle's place of course :lol:
  10. Samwise Gamgee

    My Taps Are Installed!

    GMK, you wouldn't happen to be soming to Sydney in a few months time would you? :P
  11. Samwise Gamgee

    40 Min Boil Disaster, Wish Me Luck

    Likewise! But then again, I first saw an AG done by Duff so I took with me a few tricks of the trade except I use a filing cabinet for my HLT then a fold-out picnic table for the mash tun
  12. Samwise Gamgee

    What are you listening to

    10,000 Days is unbelievable! What an epic through composed journey! And then there is the album art ever!! :super: I'm hoping they'll be here is Oz around Aug/Sep as they are in Japan early-mid August. So far their tour dates end there but I'd imagine they'll be here...
  13. Samwise Gamgee

    Sydney Hop Rhizome Order

    pm sent
  14. Samwise Gamgee

    First Brew

    Don't get too hung up on whether your airlock is bubbling. You want to lid to stop any nasties crawling/falling in. If it seals tight, then thats good but if it doesn't don't be too worried about it. I've heard of brewers who've never had their airlock bubble and haven't experienced any dramas.
  15. Samwise Gamgee

    Js Golden Ale - Recipe Comments

    Hi Colin, I've played around with a Golden Ale recipe before. Here's a link to my Xmas entry which was my Golden Ale Golden Ale I actually liked this better than the JS Golden Ale but I liked to have more Amarillo flavour and aroma. Cheers,
  16. Samwise Gamgee

    First Brew

    If it's got a krausen (foam) it's fermenting away. Probably no bubbling through the airlock because there is a leak in the seal but nothing to worry about. Just use your hydrometer to check when fermentation is complete
  17. Samwise Gamgee

    My Promash Has Been Zapped.

    oh ****! I think a new Norton has been put on the home computer :( .............time to leave work i think and go check
  18. Samwise Gamgee

    Hop Rhizome Wholesalers

    Hi Duff, If OK, would I be able to add a couple of rhizomes to your order? I can drop money over to your place or direct deposit. P.S. I think your inbox is full Cheers, Sam
  19. Samwise Gamgee

    Birthday Drinks

    Happy Birthday Doc! :beer:
  20. Samwise Gamgee

    Best Real Ale In Australia? Yes In My Opinion

    Not this time! I'd like more than 2 middies :D