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  1. BoilerBoy

    Reusing Yeast Cake From Coopers Commercial Yeast

    I haven't done what your specifically asking and you may have no problems at all in doing it, however my early attempts at using this yeast (a few years back now) taught me that it can be a "tad" unforgiving and the potential for becoming estery looms ominously, therefore I wouldn't do it purely...
  2. BoilerBoy

    Hallertau Hops - I Think They Are Off

    i haven't had any hops Of my own go bad (yet) However "Cheesy" is exactly how others have described to me how you know when hops have gone bad. BB
  3. BoilerBoy


    Totally agree with what Jayse said he's totally nailed it! And a big hearty amen! to that! Wheat in beer = :icon_chickcheers: Wheat beer = :icon_vomit: Cheers, BB
  4. BoilerBoy

    Hallertau Hops - I Think They Are Off

    It doesn't sound good, they are meant to have a pleasant spicy aroma. Where did you get them, how have they been stored and what year are they from? Cheers, BB
  5. BoilerBoy

    Digital Thermometer And Timer

    Good find Batz, Good price and braided probe lead too by the looks. Cheers, BB
  6. BoilerBoy

    Saaz B Or Summer Saaz

    Made a pilsner with Super Alpha for bittering and later additions of Summer Saaz. Whilst not a bad beer the Summer Saaz tasted more herbal similar to Nugget and it had a rough edge to it which I know was not coming from the Super Alpha which is an excellent clean bittering hop. Like I said...
  7. BoilerBoy

    Hypothetically Speaking - Next Step For Better Lager

    Temp control is obviously important but doesn't neccesarily need equipment to do that. I still use and have for 5 years now a dead fridge and rotate frozen 2L & 1L PET bottles. (Got a Vienna lager in there right now) I first ventured into liquid yeasts before ever going AG or even partial and...
  8. BoilerBoy

    Wyeast Problems

    Your point is valid in terms of extreme room temperatures, but really smacking the packet is not for yeast growth its really to test the viability of the yeast and ready it for pitching. If you always make a starter days ahead of brewing all the finger crossing ,hope amd Russian roulete is...
  9. BoilerBoy

    Wyeast Problems

    When you say you had no luck with the starter what did you do? Cheers, BB
  10. BoilerBoy

    Recultured Coopers Yeast!

    With any starter chilled and the spent wort poured off add a liter of new wort from your newly completed batch and wait 4-6 hours (sometimes even less) when its up and firing ...pitch! Cheers, BB
  11. BoilerBoy

    Boadicea Hop Pellets

    I'm using them for the first time myself this weekend (Ihope?) Except I'll be making an EPA with all MO Boadicea to about 30 IBU and Ringwood yeast. Adnams use it in their East Green Carbon neutral beer, Craftbrewer list them as having light floral aroma's with a hint of citrus. Looking...
  12. BoilerBoy

    AHB Wiki: Using Coopers Bottle Yeast

    I was going to reply earlier to this but decided to think about it further. I have no issue whatsoever with this yeast working in an IPA, its got a good ester profile and attenuates well, its just reusing the yeast again that unerves me. My gut feeling and its just a hunch, a guess etc... is...
  13. BoilerBoy

    Wort Cooling

    That maybe, but all water used is collected and then used in the garden or pot plants which I dont think would appreciate salty water particularly at 2 tablespoons per/L. Cheers, BB
  14. BoilerBoy

    Hop Rhizomes For Next Year.

    Interesting that "Millenium" has suddenly appeared on that list which (correct me if I'm wrong) I thought was a recent hop release like Galaxy? Totally underwhelming from the limited reports from other brewers so I guess they don't know what else to do with it??? cheers, BB
  15. BoilerBoy

    Wort Cooling

    The top of the copper tube fits directly onto the kettle tap, the hot wort leaves the kettle enters the copper tube and then leaves the coil at the base of the blue crate. The crate is full of water, with ice added as you need it, the water and ice inside the crate is constantly stirred as the...
  16. BoilerBoy

    Wort Cooling

    This is what I have used ever since starting AG brewing 5-6 years ago. 25 1L blocks of ice will get 25L of wort down to 18-20C. 9m of copper tube works well, I will be making another one when I upgrade the brewery down the track with at least 12m of copper tube which I'm assuming will increase...
  17. BoilerBoy

    Lid And Airlock Or Clingwrap?

    I burned my airlock as a demonstratable symbol of brewing emancipation, but also still use the lid with a cap. Though I cant make it to the mardi gras surely this entitles me to wear a pink dress at least! :beerbang: BB
  18. BoilerBoy

    Chilling With No Chill

    Here's my chiller been using it for about 5 years, 25 x 1L blocks of ice as in picture will chill aprox 25L of wort down to 18-20C in 20 min. 30-35 will get it down to around 13-14C if doing a lager. Cheers, BB
  19. BoilerBoy

    All Ekg Ipa

    TDA made a "120IBU" all EKG beer that was a beauty, tried it at around 6months old and then again at around 9 months from memeory. Based on an old recipe I recall, it was just so surprisingly smooth and full of character a pleasure to drink. Got to try that one day, BB
  20. BoilerBoy

    Wyeast1084 Fermentation Temp

    I seriously doubt it, in all the times I have used this yeast it almost looks like a lager fermentation.....very tame. Cheers, BB