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  1. M

    Storing Kegs

    Thanks . I'll give it a go. Cadbury
  2. M

    Storing Kegs

    G'day men, Sorry if I am in the wrong section, but I don't know where to put it. If I put cold beer into a keg from the fermenter, can I then store it, allowing it to go warm, and then at a later date put it in the fridge to cool down again? Will it be alright? Cadbury
  3. M

    Can You Save My Beer?

    Sorry forgot to mention. I've just put it in the fermenter. cadury
  4. M

    Can You Save My Beer?

    G'day men, I just took an SG reading and it was 1032. It was supposed to be 1048. I've checked the grain bill and everything is right. I think my water temp must have been a little low. Anyway it doesn't matter now. What can I do, if anything, to get the SG up? I thought of dumping some...
  5. M

    Which Malt For A Toffee Taste

    Great, thanks fellas, I'll check it out Cadbury
  6. M

    Which Malt For A Toffee Taste

    G'day Men, I tasted a Barons ESB on the weekend. It had a caramel colour and a nice toffee like taste. I was wondering what malt was best for delivering this flavour? Thanks in advance Cadbury
  7. M

    Types Of Grain

    Thanks. What if something is 10L? What is that in EBU's or SRM's Cadbury
  8. M

    Types Of Grain

    G'day Men, I have a recipe that calls for crystal 140. On Beersmith it has SRM's and on the site where I order my grain it has EBU's. Can someone help me to work out what it all means. I know it has something to do with colour, but what does a grain that has 10L mean in relation to a SRM and...
  9. M

    Fermentation Question

    Sorry. It is an AG ale. I pitched two sachets into 60 L . It has a nice head. Maybe I'll bump the temp up and give it a stir. I've never heard of a stuck ferment. I only took my first reading today. I'll take another tomorrow. Thanks for the info. Cadbury
  10. M

    Fermentation Question

    G'day Men, I have a beer in my fermenter(light ale) that has been in there for 10 days. The OG was 1.040 and it is still bubbling away. I measured it today and it is only 1.020. I have made the same beer before without any problems. Is it possible for it to continue to ferment until it gets...
  11. M

    Crazy Fermentation

    G'day men, I posted the original thread and have only had a chance to read the replies today. I measure the temp by having one of the outlet tubes from a keg inside the brew and the probe slides inside it. So the fridge is operating off the temp of the liquid inside the fridge. It was...
  12. M

    Crazy Fermentation

    G'day men, My last 2 brews have been spewing over the top of my fermentation bucket. I am making ales in 60 litre batches and pitching 2 by 12 g american dry yeast sachets. My fridge is set at 18 degrees. After 2 days it starts to build a nice krausen and then it erupts out over the lid...
  13. M

    Ag No Taste

    thanks men, I'll give those ideas a try.
  14. M

    Ag No Taste

    It is for a 60L brew. 10.6 kg Maris Otter 1.2 kg Munich malt 10L .5 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt 10L .10 kg Roasted Barley 60 min. 14gm Super Pride 10% 45 min. 14gm Super Pride 15 min. 82gm Super Pride 0 min. 41gm Super Pride American Ale yeast. OG: 1048 FG: 1012
  15. M

    Ag No Taste

    G'day Men, Just tasted a brew from the keg and it has no taste. Very bland, however it does not have any nasty aftertaste. I'm thinking, can I add some hop pellets to the keg to give some sort of taste? Cadbury
  16. M

    Measuring Mash Water

    G'day Men, I have a grain bill that includes 2.7kg of flaked maize. Do I include that when calculating the amount of water to mash with? I'm not sure if it absorbs water or not! One other thing. What is the best way to add polyclar to my brew and how do I do it? Many thanks, Cadbury
  17. M

    To Bottle Or Keg

    G'day Men, I want to put down a stout for winter. I have read that it is better if left in the bottle to condition. I recently bottled a couple of ales and then kegged the rest. The draught beer was beautiful, but the same beer in the bottle seemed too fizzy, even though the correct amount of...
  18. M

    Dry Hopping

    does it matter at what stage of fermentation they are added
  19. M

    Dry Hopping

    G'day men, Can you use hop pellets to dry hop? I make 60L batches, so what would be a recommended amount if you can use pellets? Thanks Cadbury
  20. M

    Types Of Grain

    great. Thanks for that.