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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Co2 Bottle Refills

    What about in Adelaide? anywhere else other than the place down at Lonsdale?
  2. P


    That pour and scraping off the overflowing head is exactly how they do it at the Heineken Experience in Amsterdam. The 3 beers they gave me were really nice, plus the extra 3 i scored from tokens people werent using :-) Much nicer straight from the tap in Amsterdam than out of a stubby in Adelaide.
  3. P

    Ahb Beer Glasses - Time To Decide

    These glasses were being discussed just before i left OZ for the UK a year ago. Are you all still waiting for them or can i put an order in now? Im coming back to Adelaide at the end of June so i should have plenty of time right?
  4. P

    Roos Vs U R Gay

    What a great day! Aussies in the world cup & and the poms lose a cricket match!
  5. P

    I Wish I Was In Munich

    Im there next weekend!!! Cant wait...
  6. P

    Ebay Items

    Even the ebay description composer has a spell check built in...
  7. P


    Well i did go, and had a few too many... Was happy with the fact that the lines for the german beer tent were much shorter than the coopers tent. I love coopers but good to drink something different. It's a good laugh the schutzenfest, so many people blind drunk.
  8. P

    Home Brew Leads To Hawke's Bay Prison Lock Down

    Is oztops yeast similar to this turbo yeast? Crims are usually heavy drinkers... so wouldnt their tastes be more refined than the average drinker... and therefore anything they brew for themselves must be of top quality.
  9. P


    Who's going? I'm heading in sat arvo to get **** faced with my mates. I leave for the UK and Europe on Australia day for a year, so it will be a good send off. Cant wait to stand in 1/2 hour queue for a beer...
  10. P

    Xmas Ahb Case

    I couldnt resist cacking open Jaz's beer (drinking as i type), the label just caught my eye brilliantly. I like it btw, good job Jaz.
  11. P

    Scuba Cylinders As Co2 Bottles?

    ...or diving to the bottom of the ocean with your home brewer mates oxygen tank.
  12. P

    Xmas Ahb Case

    I sampled a few beers this evening but im in no position to give advice and technical comments etc... I didnt mind the ******s left arm and the arafat ale was nice but its not my favorite style of beer. Personally i enjoyed the American Pale Ale from Boots I wouldnt mind hearing some more...
  13. P

    Wheely Keg

    Does it fit in the boot of your car?
  14. P

    Miracle Box

    Glad to hear the thermostat is working for u kman. I had a cover over the temp sensor. Wish i hadnt sold it now as it turns out i think my freezers snuffed it... Anyway, just wish i had a few more occasions to use my miracle box!!! xmas is coming up and new years. I think it might get some...
  15. P

    Miracle Box

    Thats me on page 1 :-) I got a fridge extension for my esky to stick a pull down tap on the side, havent got around to installing yet as ive been too lazy. Anyway... to answer kmans question, i had my beer cooled in the fridge, not freezing but cool. I had the keg out at room temp for 4-5...