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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jivesucka

    What to do with spare kit yeasts?

    i throw the useless crap in the bin. been using yeast from anything available from the bottle shop that has the pile of dormant yeast at the bottom. my faves are: stone and wood big scrub feral nail sierra nevada hitachino nest hacker pschorr franziskaner schoefferhofer dundee ipa coopers got...
  2. jivesucka

    Pineapple cider

    this stuff by any chance? that was the thing that inspired me, since then i've tried to make mango cider but there is too much pulp to deal with and pectinase doesn't work the same way as gelatin for getting the "gunk" out of the way
  3. jivesucka

    Pineapple cider

    woolies have golden circle pineapple juice 2x2L for $5 so i got 20 litres and unleashed mangrove jacks cider yeast onto it with 100g lactose to balance out the tartness. Not too bad, doesn't carbonate very well, but its a nice drop!
  4. jivesucka

    Reduction cider

    Something i have always had amazing success with is reducing a generic supermarket juice via boiling to roughly half its volume. It's very time consuming, labor intensive and not to mention a bit expensive, but the results would be almost on par with bulmers. Making a reduction effectively...
  5. jivesucka

    Anyone figured out a Young Henrys Clone recipe?

    eastern suburbs. asked batch a whole bunch of questions and they were more than happy to help me. I would've thought these guys would be secretive about the inner workings of their breweries but the exact opposite is the status quo. currently having a crack at sour brewing inspired by batch's...
  6. jivesucka

    Anyone figured out a Young Henrys Clone recipe?

    anyone managed to work out any YH clone? I'm mad keen to get started on doing a knockoff but I've got no idea where to start
  7. jivesucka

    Apple juice reduction cider

    Okay, so in cooking circles the thing to do these days is to make an apple reduction, which involves boiling the **** out of apple juice to make it a goopy sauce. This isn't quite the extreme levels of reduction one needs for cider. Let's start by buying a shitload of 3 litre homebrand apple...
  8. jivesucka

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    i recently did a batch of coopers mexican infused with backhousia citriodora (Citrus-scented Myrtle) leaves steeping for 24hrs in boiling water. Let it be known that i filled up to the 18 litre mark to give this batch a real kick. popped 24 leaves in boiling water to sit overnight, strained the...
  9. jivesucka

    Sea Water

    I'd imagine sea water to be a feasible idea if you could remove the salt through a reverse osmosis. but you'd be left with dead plankton which might be an issue.
  10. jivesucka

    Smells Like Apple Pie Cider

    just bear in mind cider takes much longer than beer to become mature
  11. jivesucka

    Home Brand Lager

    i'm currently experimenting with homebrand lager and liquid yeast cultivated from a longneck of coopers sparkling. who said you can't at least attempt to polish a turd?
  12. jivesucka

    Brigalow Or Tooheys

    the brigalow munich lager is drinkable but is way off the mark if it's actually meant to be a munich lager. is just too thin and watery. as for tooheys. don't waste your money that crap, those bastards have a lot to answer for.
  13. jivesucka

    Whats The Worst Beer You've Ever Tried?

    that stuff is vile! but i've got a couple more contenders... a coopers real ale brewed with 2kg ldm and 2kg dex, filled to the 18L mark. you can taste the alcohol! geelong bitter
  14. jivesucka

    Coopers Draught With Golden Syrup

    it's taking forever for it to finish fermenting! this may be the longest amount of time any of my brews have been fermenting for!