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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Chemical Tinge

    thanks ill try the sanitizing bit and come back
  2. D

    Chemical Tinge

    basically im using biab to mash then just before the boil finishes im whirl locing to sanitize then ill leave over night to cool before transfering to the flask for fermentation.ill then pitch the yeast and wise im just using the hotest setting on the shower to clean out the flask...
  3. D

    Chemical Tinge

    im strugglin to find out what is causing a chemical/bleach like after taste to my beer,the odd batch is spot on.its not a souring taste and i dont use household chemicals to clean my gear just hot water but i cant be throwing batch after batch away its making me sick.......has anybody suffered...
  4. D

    Hand Of God

    thanks for the info ill check it out as for this batch ill let you know thanks again
  5. D

    Hand Of God

    LOL nearly m8 he could probably use the money right now.H.O.G brewing is using the natural yeasts in the air to contaminate the beer as opposed to using packeted yeast.H.O.G originates years back when beer was first discovered and this was the only technique available to brewers at the time,or...
  6. D

    Hand Of God

    just havin a whirl with the hand of god method of brewing,has anybody tried this?just wonderin what kind of results can be got eg quality taste etc and is there any major pros or cons to this method of brewing???
  7. D

    Biab Set Up

    thanks like i said any pointers definately an advantage at this time ;)
  8. D

    Biab Set Up

    something i hadnt thought of,thanks
  9. D

    Biab Set Up

    the money i paid for that........aint a chance its getting chopped up lol
  10. D

    Biab Set Up

    basically the intention is to mash and hop in the urn then transfer to the conical,leave over night with the lid on and pitch the yeast in the morning,leave for primary fermentation then keg for secondary using a spile a beginner but cant really see any drawbacks with this...
  11. D

    Biab Set Up

    thought id share this with the people using a biab set up,i knocked up this little bueaty for under 50bucks for the timber not the stainless equipment.note how everything works on gravity so no expensive pumps ;)
  12. D

    Real Ale

    thanks will do ;)
  13. D

    Real Ale

    im trying to recreate a good english real ale,now the problem i have is basically artificial ingredients in food make me ill(physically) so im trying to source a really good pure ale yeast.and secondly does anybody have any good natural recipes for english style ales,im armed at the moment with...
  14. D

    Conical Fermenters

    thanks i get the picture now ;)