You Guy's Are Bad News, (for Me)

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Hi all,

The name's Roon and I just thought I would mark my first post with a bit of a hello..........

And also how much of a bad influence all this is on me. I now have grand ideas of kegging, mashing grain, making cheese and building a cellar, and I've only been on here for about 15 minutes!

I'm getting kicked outta the house for sure! ;)
Hi all,

The name's Roon and I just thought I would mark my first post with a bit of a hello..........

And also how much of a bad influence all this is on me. I now have grand ideas of kegging, mashing grain, making cheese and building a cellar, and I've only been on here for about 15 minutes!

I'm getting kicked outta the house for sure! ;)

Welcome to our obsession passion hobby Roon, we'll have you on the Dark Side before long :D
Not to mention the lack of sleep as your mind spins into overdrive, thinking of 'what next and how'.

Welcome to the pain. It's a problem shared, however - so it's only half as bad!

Cheers - Mike
Welcome Roon

Yes its an obsession. You need to find a balance. My wife lets me know when I am out of balance by smacking me on the head! She reckons it works - I'm not so sure. :lol:

Enjoy the ride

Not to mention the lack of sleep as your mind spins into overdrive, thinking of 'what next and how'.

Welcome to the pain. It's a problem shared, however - so it's only half as bad!

Cheers - Mike

Its good to hear that i am not the only one who reads this forum all afternoon and then cant get to sleep with the brain in overdrive.

I guess i should cancel the appointment with the shrink then....... :D


Put in your location so as to find a local homebrew clu...."support group"!!
"The great thing about this hobby is that you can brew a carton of premium beer for ten dollars."

Roon, with regards to Mrs Roon, the above fact is the only fact you should ever let her know. You can modify this somewhat dishonestly, by adding, "We will save heaps!"

Welcome Roon. Probably the only other important fact is that it is a lot of fun.


There are no bad influences on this site...

If you get influenced to do normal things like AG Brewing, kegs, swap meets, beer testing, then it will only make you a better man......

As for Mrs Roon...Invite her into the fray...If your missus knows you are on here talking beer, then at least she can read her book in bed safe in the knowledge that you are in good hands...

Oohh...and beware of the will become... :ph34r:
:eek: bad influence :eek: and I though I was trying to bring more good into the world............ahhhhhhhhh who cares....good...bad...I have beer and I'm happy. :D anyway - shrinks take money away from the beer budget.....I'd rather spend 3 hours brewing than 3 hours telling someone about my issues......:lol:
You never know, you may even turn SWMBO into a beer drinker like I did!
Welcome Roon,

I know exactly what you mean mate. Put it this way. By being on here and reading/learning from others mistakes and triumphs you end up doing it right the 1st time, hence saving money replacing gear which is either crap or not quite up to the task.

As for SWMBO I have 2 methods that work a treat atleast for me. Its its not as hard for me because my Mrs is a beer drinker and goes 1 for 1 with me. So I don't have that problem.

We started brewing together 20 years ago for 10 years and she helped with every brew. Then we had a 10 year break and now are back into again. (Swore I wouldn't brew again till I was kegging).

Now I come back I find everything has changed. Heaps are brewing AG, unheard of in my day.

My tips for getting SWMBO on board:
- Spreadsheets are your friend. Workout want you want to buy, list it all then calculate how much you need to brew before you break even compared to buying cartons of megaswill or worse yet blowing your dough at the pub and then its all savings from there.

- Reverse women's physcology. This is my favourite! Does your Mrs bug you about buying something, that you could not care less about eg shoes, until you roll your eyes sick of listening to it and say buy whatever? This works a treat in reverse. Keep talking to her about HB until she's so sick of it she submits and says buy whatever just so you will shut up about it. Again tie this in with your spreadsheet showing how much money you will be saving.

Of course real HB'ers are in it for the qaulity beer and who cares about the cost, but I'd doubt she would want to hear that.

Gidday Roon,

I'm a relative a newb here too mate, but welcome anyway. As others have said, you come you learn, enter a case swap and then you end up building an AG rig, a stir plate, culturing yeast and a whole lot of other fun, highly addictive brewing habits.

<insert Homer D'oh emoticon here>

But I see them as positive influences, so get involved mate, ask questions, read old threads, it's just about all here somewhere.


I believe the most addictive thing I have ever done was to attend a brew day at Ross`s place 1n may of 2005. At Mash time Ross asked me if I would like a beer I said yes and he gave me a glass of Oktoberfest I was instantly addicted. I came home and poured every Kit beer I had down the drive. I set to with my trusty welder and cut off machine and within two months I had produced my first AG a simple English bitter. My advice to everyone who develops this sweet addiction is Relax and enjoy it.
Cheers Altstart

Cancel the appointment with the shrink and make an appointment with your bank manager....... :D
No appointment is necessary at the pub, during business hours - see quote below:

Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so?
There's a support group for that.
It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar."
--Drew Carey

Welcome to the club/ sport/ pass-time/ Second job.

I knew it was time for the ex-missus to go when her spending habits left me too little for brewing. :lol:

Seth :p
Don't forget the old standby justification of: "It could be worse I could have spent all this time and money on some silly hobby like golf." :D
Don't forget the old standby justification of: "It could be worse I could have spent all this time and money on some silly hobby like golf." :D

Actually, brewing bit into my golf budget pretty severely. I have a set of Yumcha golf clubs instead of a decent set because of SWMBO's budget constraint. Good thing golf is 90% skill, 10% equipment and the other way round for brewing, eh? :D

btw, what ever happened to the AHB golf day?