You Can't Keep A Violent Drunk Down

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They introduced a private (for profit) jail system, that's why you see that first graph. They also have over 3% of the population in jail or on parole.

You are 10 times more likely to be murdered in America than here. They could put 10% of their population in jail and it wouldn't make a difference. America has issues because so many of them are very poor.

I'm there again in a few weeks. I like the place, but it's not here, that's for sure. Here is one of the best places in the world hands down.

Agree. The 'lock up all the bad guys and throw away the key' adolescent mentality that is so prevalent there hasn't reduced violent crime at all since 1974 - at least according to their bureau of statistics. Yet since the privitisation of prisons, they have a higher percentage of their own population in prison than any other country in the world's history.

VIOLENT CRIME US "Crime in the US, 1960-2004, Bureau of Justice Statistics"
Yup, the answer ain't LOCK 'EM UP!

I've said it twice already, but the answer is addressing the anger. People don't bottle strangers because they're on drugs or pissed - they do it because they are ****** in the head.

Unless you give them a lethal injection they will be back in society eventually. They need someone to get to the root of their problem and fix it. It's fixable. No one wants to be angry - they just don't. People want to be happy. Something in angry people is stopping them from being happy. It's almost always a very simple thing that no one has bothered to sort out.

Putting them in jail and thinkign that'll wise them up is the biggest load of **** ever. I hope the Judge that sentences them is their first parole victim. Yeah they need the punishment, but unless a decent whack of that punishment is REHABILITATION and therapy, they will bash the first ******** they meet next time they're pissed.
The USA has twice as many police per head of population as we do, and sentences are quite severe for even small misdemeanours. They have a zero tolerance / three strikes and you are out policy. I was watching a US "cops" real life on-the-street program. A guy had thrown a beer can at a car. Two police cars turned up, pinned him down and handcuffed him, and the cop was saying "you don't throw cans at cars and that is why you are going to jail". Something didn't gel - jail for throwing a can? Then I checked up and out of the 8 million people in the world who are in jail, fully a quarter are incarcerated in USA jails. I reckon a few years of that policy in Australia would get the trash off the streets. It would also help if the police did police work and not just revenue raising for broke imcompetent state governments like Anna B-lie etc.

Edit: figures speak:

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Yes, Police do not do police work here in Aus. My step sons dog got stolen off their front door step a few months ago. His girlfriend saw a bloke walking it past her shop, she confronted him and he denied everything, but it was the dog. Then, by chance the were riding their bikes past a house and saw the dog behind the fence. Reported it to the cops, nothing the cops could do, even though they had photos of the dog as a pup, growing up and all.

asreholes do. Unfortunately quite common for certain breeds, esp. Staffys!

This is a situation where micro-chipping your pet is essential!

Sorry to hear about your SIL's dog F-J

Cheers SJ
this guy is an utter f###wit. I don't have the answer to how he should be treated, but surely community service and anger management classes should be enforced for nutters like this?
I'm normally a bit of a civil libertarian but it's getting to the point where I know things will never magically become ideal and so I'd be happy to compromise and bargain away some rights to receive some other rights in turn.

For example, I'd be happy for the government to do something bad if it meant they also did something good to balance it out.

The government introduces a microchip into out drivers licenses or ID cards, like what they have on credit cards. This microchip contains our criminal record. Any convictions can result in the usual jail time but also things like "can not drink in a public bar for 10 years" for things like glassings, stomping people when they're already on the ground unconcious, wife beating, etc. Hell they can use that at bottle shops too if they want. As long as all of the 'bannings' are temporary in nature. They could also impose a one month ban whenever you're locked up in the drunk tank as well. Things like that.

The government significantly reduces the 'sin tax' on alcohol, significantly reduces harsh curfew laws on licensed venues etc.

A lot of places are scanning licenses anyway so at least this may be more efficient. I'm not too concerned that violent ******s will be put out by this.
bring in the deaf penalty, NY has it is now the safest city in america... pretty good considering the population of NY state is equal to the population of Aus.
Stocks and public humiliation might be a good idea... but then I suppose that would lead to grudges and vendettas, too.

I recently spent a few hours over two separate days sitting and observing Magistrate and District courts.

It's unbelievingly fascinating and addictive. And at the same time frightening. You see some very very sad characters, and hear some disturbingly unreasonable sentences, but everybody should have to witness it at a young age to get an understanding IMHO.

Fact is, people (well men mainly) in all cultures have always got fired up and gone looking for a scrap. If statistics are getting worse, I wouldn't be surprised if it's partly because people don't get to release their frustration. Most of us are sedentary workers these days.

My old man taught me to be 'handy' from a very young age, but he also told me "if you play rough games you're gonna get hurt" (he didn't say might get hurt!), and the 'ethical' side of things. And my uncle told me how to break ribs etc, aged six, but strangely enough neither of them ever said anything about glassing or kicking people in the face.
bring in the deaf penalty, NY has it is now the safest city in america... pretty good considering the population of NY state is equal to the population of Aus.

geez that's sounds brutal... cutting off their ears or something... wow :ph34r:
geez that's sounds brutal... cutting off their ears or something... wow :ph34r:

lol my bad i guess i meant death, but actually the deaf penalty sounds like a good deterrent... judge: i sentence you to life without your left ear, with your right ear on a probation period of 2 years. defendant: sorry sir i can not hear you i am a repeat offender.
Yup, the answer ain't LOCK 'EM UP!

I've said it twice already, but the answer is addressing the anger. People don't bottle strangers because they're on drugs or pissed - they do it because they are ****** in the head.

Unless you give them a lethal injection they will be back in society eventually. They need someone to get to the root of their problem and fix it. It's fixable. No one wants to be angry - they just don't. People want to be happy. Something in angry people is stopping them from being happy. It's almost always a very simple thing that no one has bothered to sort out.

Putting them in jail and thinkign that'll wise them up is the biggest load of **** ever. I hope the Judge that sentences them is their first parole victim. Yeah they need the punishment, but unless a decent whack of that punishment is REHABILITATION and therapy, they will bash the first ******** they meet next time they're pissed.

so much knowledge... it must be a burden.

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