Yahoo Pipes

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Yahoo have released a new online tool named Pipes.
Basically it is a content/information aggregator.
You can use the online IDE to generate queries of most things on the web.
Naturally I'm thinking this would be great for beer purposes:
- pictures of beer off Flickr
- beer forum searches
- beer recipe searches

I've started messing with it. Anyone else keen, or have any ideas ?

I'm not touching anything I need a Yahoo id for. Good way to get lots more spam. That I don't need.
Won't be of much use know our US-ass-kissing government will no doubt follow suit:

A landmark legal case on behalf of the Recording Industry Association of America and other global trade organizations seeks to criminalize all Internet file sharing of any kind as copyright infringement, effectively shutting down the world wide web - and their argument is supported by the U.S. government.

A landmark legal ruling in Sydney goes further than ever before in setting the trap door for the destruction of the Internet as we know it and the end of alternative news websites and blogs by creating the precedent that simply linking to other websites is breach of copyright and piracy.

The EU also recently proposed legislation that would prevent users from uploading any form of video without a license.

"Section 220 of S. 1, the lobbying reform bill currently before the Senate, would require grassroots causes, even bloggers, who communicate to 500 or more members of the public on policy matters, to register and report quarterly to Congress the same as the big K Street lobbyists. Section 220 would amend existing lobbying reporting law by creating the most expansive intrusion on First Amendment rights ever. For the first time in history, critics of Congress will need to register and report with Congress itself."

And WRT the last many members does AHB have? If our government copy the US in their usual manner (you know Little Johnny will, he's a soft touch for the US administration) , does this mean that any of us can be busted down under such laws if making remarks regarding alcohol taxation or discussion of GST exemptions on HB ingredients, as our views on government policy have hence been expressed to more than 500 people without registering and reporting as journalists?!?!

Say bye bye to the internet as we have come to know & love it :angry:

Damn that government and the aquaducts, healthcare and employment etc. "Where's it going to gestate? A box?"

Agreed with Aaron - Yahoo is a spam trap.
Yahoo ID just use a Mailinator address
I'm not touching anything I need a Yahoo id for. Good way to get lots more spam. That I don't need.

Agreed with Aaron - Yahoo is a spam trap.

Yes you need a Yahoo ID. However you don't need to use the email component. Just use the Yahoo ID to access Flickr, Pipes and other services. Thats what I do.

Say bye bye to the internet as we have come to know & love it :angry:


Yep. The freedom was never going to last forever, the pollies and lawyers will screw it up just like everything else they touch. Solution? Short term solution ? Don't let Howard's government past the next election......then all you need to do is stop the next bunch of idiots from doing the same thing...... :(
Here is my first crash at it.
A Recipe Search Pipe. It searches a number of sites to pull back recipes.
Doc's HomeBrew Recipe Search Pipe
I'll add more sites to the search as I get a chance.
