Just read your thread NTboozer and my comment would be, your question should be restructured to ask 'Whats the best way to get your wort to a cool temp when your tap water is at darwin temp?'
Thats what I gather from your last post your trying to do, get the wort to lower than the tap water temp.
If this is the case then I'am sure if I pose this question 'how to'.. your about to get a million ideas out of AHB.
My intial ideas would be two counter flow chillers with the wort in series, the first one is feed with tap water and the second is feed with the chilled water with the bilge pump.
But that method would need you to chill at least 50 litrs of water for the second CFC, cold space could be better used for beer and fermentation. The other way would simply be with one counter flow chiller with the tap water for heat exchange in series with a imersion chiller in a bucket of ice slurry. This way I would think would be much more practical.
Horse called war.