Worst Animal Cruelty

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Oh come on, brother. You started this thread with scant regard for details apart from screaming "oh the inhumanity", but you still havent told anyone jack-****. Is was asked of you by Manticle.... where did you see these atrocities which compelled you to post the OP. ? Man's best friend... skinned alive by beastly asians.... Was it "Today Tonight", "A Current Affair", or maybe a psuedo-credible (groan) source such as "Four Corners"... ?

And this isn't a flexing of muscle question (or a punch up at the pub as Yardy wants to play), I am really interested. Moreso how you feel that your ethical virtue can be maintained when you eat meat? Irrespective of the good-happy-feely history ?

Although I haven't seen the media article that you did, I would imagine that it tugs on the "Aussie Bloke" heartstrings that ol' Bluey's relatives are being skinned. And EATEN !!!

I had a pet rabbit when I was young. Big juicy thing. It died. My Mum, to this day (ST's mum is nudging 70) will not do a roast rabbit, because sweetsie-weensy "Fluffy" (the aforementioned rabbit) was part of her life. Our lives.

****, I think I was 14, when I requested that we cook dead "Fluffy" up in the oven with some spuds & onions.

There is no roast rabbit, nor will there ever be, as ST's mum's place. Rabbits are too cute to eat.

Dogs are a Man's Best Friend.

You call me - (ie; my interludes within the thread) shallow ? I was of the mind that we were pushing the same ideal (apart from your "Love Everyone" Crosby-Stills-Nash daydream). I am offended by your accusations.

Maybe a touche from the pineapple Daiquiri comment :)

Damn Hippy.

Just curious Silo ted, why does it matter where Browndog saw these atrocities?

I've seen the footage that Browndog is referring to and not on any of the shows that you have pointed to. Do you believe that just because the story was aired on any of the above programs it's not truthful or valid?

I don't really give a **** whether or not at the age of 14 you were tough enough to eat your dead pet rabbit and to be honest I fail to see what that has to do with the original topic, however I'd be keen to know if you could have watched it being skinned alive!

And what the hell eating meat has to do with skinning a living animal alive is beyond me.

I'm with you Browndog, this was the most vile and horrendous thing I have ever seen, truly makes me feel ill.

Do you believe that just because the story was aired on any of the above programs it's not truthful or valid?

Yes, that's precisely what I would say about most all of their programming. Those shows are emotion manipulating propaganda machines intended to promote a mass thought process.
Yes, that's precisely what I would say about most all of their programming. Those shows are emotion manipulating propaganda machines intended to promote a mass thought process.

Fair enough, and they aren't my preferred news outlets either.

Perhaps (since you indicated that you haven't already) you should research and look at the story along with video footage from a source you consider reliable before you pass judgement on something you clearly know nothing about?
What i do know is that breeding animals for slaughter is still inhumane. I dont see any basis in justifying levels of cruelty to make my dinner more palatable. We're brutal, emotionless, inhumane master-mammals as meat eaters. Just accept it and enjoy your lamb chops.

And having travelled through Asia many times, I have seen animals being skinned alive right before my eyes. I cant justify being shamed about eating it, when I grew up comfortably seeing live crabs tossed in boiling water. How inhumane is that, do you think ?
Oh come on, brother. You started this thread with scant regard for details apart from screaming "oh the inhumanity", but you still havent told anyone jack-****. Is was asked of you by Manticle.... where did you see these atrocities which compelled you to post the OP. ? Man's best friend... skinned alive by beastly asians.... Was it "Today Tonight", "A Current Affair", or maybe a psuedo-credible (groan) source such as "Four Corners"... ?

And this isn't a flexing of muscle question (or a punch up at the pub as Yardy wants to play), I am really interested. Moreso how you feel that your ethical virtue can be maintained when you eat meat? Irrespective of the good-happy-feely history ?

Although I haven't seen the media article that you did, I would imagine that it tugs on the "Aussie Bloke" heartstrings that ol' Bluey's relatives are being skinned. And EATEN !!!

I had a pet rabbit when I was young. Big juicy thing. It died. My Mum, to this day (ST's mum is nudging 70) will not do a roast rabbit, because sweetsie-weensy "Fluffy" (the aforementioned rabbit) was part of her life. Our lives.

****, I think I was 14, when I requested that we cook dead "Fluffy" up in the oven with some spuds & onions.

There is no roast rabbit, nor will there ever be, as ST's mum's place. Rabbits are too cute to eat.

Dogs are a Man's Best Friend.

You call me - (ie; my interludes within the thread) shallow ? I was of the mind that we were pushing the same ideal (apart from your "Love Everyone" Crosby-Stills-Nash daydream). I am offended by your accusations.

Maybe a touche from the pineapple Daiquiri comment :)

Damn Hippy.

I somehow missed this post Well brother, as Andrew said, I didn't see it on any TV show, they'd neve show somthing like that, it was very close up and it would leave kids with nightmares for weeks . I stumbled across it more or less by accident late at night randomly clicking links on web pages, so I can't give you the link to see for yourself, but seeing as though you have see this kind of thing with your own eyes you sound like you are desensitised to it anyway. Hence your stance.

As for my ethical virtue, I told you, I love meat, but meat that comes from an animal that has not suffered unnecessarily, this differs greatly from skinning an animal alive and leaving it to die of it's own accord. Anyway, we seem to be going around in circles on this one, so if you want to have the last say, go right ahead, but I am done.

Meet Your Meat - A Short film (11 minutes)

I cant believe Im uploading a PETA video. :eek:


Financial supporters and grant givers to such upstanding organizations like the self described 'domestic terrorists' Earth liberation front, and fine individuals like Josh Harper - here's a little form on him:

Animal-rights extremist Josh Harper describes his goal as the complete collapse of industrial civilization and hell happily break laws, and bones, to achieve it. The 25-year-old Harper was jailed in 1997 for assaulting a police officer; in 1999 for attacking Native Americans on a whale hunt by throwing smoke bombs, shooting flares, and spraying their faces with chemical fire extinguishers; and in 2001 for violating a summons to give testimony about the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front. Between jail stints, Harper created a pseudo-documentary of animal-rights sabotage titled Breaking Free.

Greenpeace are probably the only other eco nitwits guilty of spreading more disinformation, corperate hating retoric and emotion driven hysteria.

Earth liberation front - now I get it!!

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Have to love Penn & Teller's show on PETA. In 3 parts below.

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I don't think I want my dog (if I had one) anywhere near Ted.

PS: about the bleeding heart humanitarianism being shown for third world slaves on 3 bucks a day.... Their problem is the population and their outdated cultural views on population control. They have bad corporate ethics in companies over there because of the cheapness of life (in part coz that).

And the situation in many of these countries, fed by outsourcing is actually getting worse. Food quality and availability being the first, affordability of housing and land being the next. Yes, the poorest of the poor suddenly don't have to starve, but that poor is also beset with generations of bad advice and cultural misconceptions. Suddenly he's got the means to push out a few more kids than he could think of before all this.

Keep up the free markets and eventually the world will equalize in wealth, for the vast majority of people. i.e., wiping out the middle class and creating a super rich to soak up the wealth and power required to run the show. USSR anyone?!...

For the record, even if I ate meat, I'd condemn an animal getting skinned alive. I wonder if the guy doing the skinning would be in the trade if he had some education, wasn't desensitized to life taking etc.

Rant over.

I gotta try those daiquiri things sometime...
I don't think I want my dog (if I had one) anywhere near Ted.

Don't think Im some sort of sadist. Ultimately Im just saying that the slaughter of livestock (anywhere!) is an inhumane practice. Its basically a vegetarian's argument, except I'm not malnourished, and I don't drink pineapple drinks :lol:

When I was in Laos last year I ate some dog. Almost had a chance to buy some rats of these little kids for eating, but the lorry driver wouldnt stop. Now a lot of people are probably going to say '****, how cruel is that' because of our emotional attachment to the species. But if it was slaughtered in a way that was no more or no less cruel than a cow, then there's no big deal, right? And we would assume tat the slaughter of all animals in a given country would be the same method, whatever it was. If I said "oh, I ate some cow in Laos" people would be thinking , well who gives a **** ?

Meat eaters have such unfounded hangups. I reckon if your in for a slab of flesh, you may as well go balls deep and try whatever you can in life. I can tell people that pigs rectum, prepared Burmese style, is not very nice. Save yourselves the experience. Himalayan mountain oysters however are interesting.

Out of interest, did those links above offend or humour you ? I think Penn's commentary on PETA is fair.

Incidentally, the dog skinning is a huge PETA thing doing the rounds wherever they can throw it in. I wouldnt be surprised if they stage their own scenarios.
Sorry, bn on the phone, didn't click links.

Seriously though, you make very valid points and from thinking clear and 'I don't give a drilling ****', yeah, it's all the bloody same. I'd go so far to say if gorillas raised humans for slaughter as a captive species it's the same damn thing.

Problem with that type of thinking is you don't give the pulled outta my arse 99% of people a chance at being civil if u expect them to 'this way or that way'. I really don't believe the monsters of history were brave people. If they'd been brave they'd have realized their weaknesses and follies and made amends to the people they were wronging. Accepting that I/you do wrong things is a big ******* issue with most people.

Coming back on topic, if Browndog want to take home a lesson from watching some vid on YouTube that skinning an animal alive is cruel, damn good thing. Maybe next time if he's faced with the option of hunting on a game farm he will remember it and it will sucknsciously kick in and he will refuse. Again, guilt at being part of a race that so wantonly exploits torturing animals kicking in.

As a funny side, I believe vegetarians are evil by disposition due to their holier than thou thinking. Pity for mute animals is easy, pity for weaker minded fellow people is far more difficult. If only vegetar
Sorry, bn on the phone, didn't click links.

Seriously though, you make very valid points and from thinking clear and 'I don't give a drilling ****', yeah, it's all the bloody same. I'd go so far to say if gorillas raised humans for slaughter as a captive species it's the same damn thing.

Problem with that type of thinking is you don't give the pulled outta my arse 99% of people a chance at being civil if u expect them to 'this way or that way'. I really don't believe the monsters of history were brave people. If they'd been brave they'd have realized their weaknesses and follies and made amends to the people they were wronging. Accepting that I/you do wrong things is a big ******* issue with most people.

Coming back on topic, if Browndog want to take home a lesson from watching some vid on YouTube that skinning an animal alive is cruel, damn good thing. Maybe next time if he's faced with the option of hunting on a game farm he will remember it and it will sucknsciously kick in and he will refuse. Again, guilt at being part of a race that so wantonly exploits torturing animals kicking in.

As a funny side, I believe vegetarians are evil by disposition due to their holier than thou thinking. Pity for mute animals is easy, pity for weaker minded fellow people is far more difficult. If only vegetarKane in general could accept they aren't the 24 in 24 carats of gold, maybe people will be less irritated with them and they have more influence on some damn right issues.

Btw, wtf is wrong with a bloody pineapple!!! I plan to gift my boss one on Monday ;)

PS: cynicism is scary

PPS: life can consume us sometimes, little reminders like that vid aren't that bad really.

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