Going off all the support to your highly intelligent comments (bar some excuses from practical fool for you) I reckon you are the one that should be shutting the **** up Silo Ted.
Oh come on, brother. You started this thread with scant regard for details apart from screaming "oh the inhumanity", but you still havent told anyone jack-****. Is was asked of you by Manticle.... where did you see these atrocities which compelled you to post the OP. ? Man's best friend... skinned alive by beastly asians.... Was it "Today Tonight", "A Current Affair", or maybe a psuedo-credible (groan) source such as "Four Corners"... ?
And this isn't a flexing of muscle question (or a punch up at the pub as Yardy wants to play), I am really interested. Moreso how you feel that your ethical virtue can be maintained when you eat meat? Irrespective of the good-happy-feely history ?
Although I haven't seen the media article that you did, I would imagine that it tugs on the "Aussie Bloke" heartstrings that ol' Bluey's relatives are being skinned. And EATEN !!!
I had a pet rabbit when I was young. Big juicy thing. It died. My Mum, to this day (ST's mum is nudging 70) will not do a roast rabbit, because sweetsie-weensy "Fluffy" (the aforementioned rabbit) was part of her life. Our lives.
****, I think I was 14, when I requested that we cook dead "Fluffy" up in the oven with some spuds & onions.
There is no roast rabbit, nor will there ever be, as ST's mum's place. Rabbits are too cute to eat.
Dogs are a Man's Best Friend.
Lol, I wouldn't say I picked a bone with silo, but I pretty much called his absolutist, extreme stance a bit shallow. Of course, agree to disagree etc etc.
You call me - (ie; my interludes within the thread) shallow ? I was of the mind that we were pushing the same ideal (apart from your "Love Everyone" Crosby-Stills-Nash daydream). I am offended by your accusations.
Maybe a touche from the pineapple Daiquiri comment
Damn Hippy.