Worst Animal Cruelty

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wonder what would happen if you got all these mouthy ***** together in a pub :icon_chickcheers:

Um, it would be just like any other Thursday or Friday at the pub with blokes having a beer ? If it was this crowd though, we would probably also be bitching about the beer selection.

Although the pineapple-Daiquiri sipping vegetartians would be cowering in the corner tsk'ing at the boisterous carnivours. (sorry seemax and practicalfool - just kidding)
I tipped some yeast down the drain the other day and i think some sanitiser might have gone down shortly afterwards. I didn't hear them scream but I am sure they met a painful death.

How can i avoid being cruel to yeast and continue brewing...oh the dilema


I tipped some yeast down the drain the other day and i think some sanitiser might have gone down shortly afterwards. I didn't hear them scream but I am sure they met a painful death.

How can i avoid being cruel to yeast and continue brewing...oh the dilema


Fermenting at low temps will ensure a more humane genocide, so brew a lager and be proud of your contributions as a conciencious murderer.
How can i avoid being cruel to yeast and continue brewing...oh the dilema



Simply make lambic by placing your open fermenter in the nearest paddock or vacant lot.
Then you'll at least you know the yeast entered of their own accord. Then you can gently euthanize them by slowly chilling the fermenter.

Alternatively, you may wish to purchase a microscope, some fine tweezers and collect some splinters so you can create a 'yeast metropolis' where they can live happily.

I find it helps to think of them in terms of vivisection rather than outright slaughter.

Hope this helps.

Meat is awesome.

This is the kind of flawed logic that irks me about hard line animal rights campaigner's.
How did Maguire know those cows didn't die from natural causes?


I find his stance perfectly fine. He is promoting what he beleives in without trying to tell others what they ought to do in their personal life.

It's the same with beer. I like my beer, you (figurative mega swiller) are welcome to whatever you drink. I'd really like if you drank good beer too, as it has flow on benefits for my convenience, but I'm not gonna tell you to do so.

If you happen to feel guilty about some **** just cuz Toby maguire bagged it in public, it's ur friggin problem. I feel pretty disgusted seeing animal carcasses in shop windows, that's my damn problem.
Perhaps you should re-read. Everyone else got it. I love meat too. And don't have any bleeding heart issues with animal slaughter. 'Humane" methods is just ********, that was my point. We exploit animals for food, we put them under bad conditions and we kill them. And we get bacon ! To say one form of slaughter is less humane is bollocks.

If someone has issue with ANY form of slaughter, they should be vegetarian, or shut the **** up.

Going off all the support to your highly intelligent comments (bar some excuses from practical fool for you) I reckon you are the one that should be shutting the **** up Silo Ted.
Lol, I wouldn't say I picked a bone with silo, but I pretty much called his absolutist, extreme stance a bit shallow. Of course, agree to disagree etc etc.
Going off all the support to your highly intelligent comments (bar some excuses from practical fool for you) I reckon you are the one that should be shutting the **** up Silo Ted.
Oh come on, brother. You started this thread with scant regard for details apart from screaming "oh the inhumanity", but you still havent told anyone jack-****. Is was asked of you by Manticle.... where did you see these atrocities which compelled you to post the OP. ? Man's best friend... skinned alive by beastly asians.... Was it "Today Tonight", "A Current Affair", or maybe a psuedo-credible (groan) source such as "Four Corners"... ?

And this isn't a flexing of muscle question (or a punch up at the pub as Yardy wants to play), I am really interested. Moreso how you feel that your ethical virtue can be maintained when you eat meat? Irrespective of the good-happy-feely history ?

Although I haven't seen the media article that you did, I would imagine that it tugs on the "Aussie Bloke" heartstrings that ol' Bluey's relatives are being skinned. And EATEN !!!

I had a pet rabbit when I was young. Big juicy thing. It died. My Mum, to this day (ST's mum is nudging 70) will not do a roast rabbit, because sweetsie-weensy "Fluffy" (the aforementioned rabbit) was part of her life. Our lives.

****, I think I was 14, when I requested that we cook dead "Fluffy" up in the oven with some spuds & onions.

There is no roast rabbit, nor will there ever be, as ST's mum's place. Rabbits are too cute to eat.

Dogs are a Man's Best Friend.

Lol, I wouldn't say I picked a bone with silo, but I pretty much called his absolutist, extreme stance a bit shallow. Of course, agree to disagree etc etc.

You call me - (ie; my interludes within the thread) shallow ? I was of the mind that we were pushing the same ideal (apart from your "Love Everyone" Crosby-Stills-Nash daydream). I am offended by your accusations.

Maybe a touche from the pineapple Daiquiri comment :)

Damn Hippy.
Going off all the support to your highly intelligent comments (bar some excuses from practical fool for you) I reckon you are the one that should be shutting the **** up Silo Ted.

Ouch !
I find his stance perfectly fine. He is promoting what he beleives in without trying to tell others what they ought to do in their personal life.

It's the same with beer. I like my beer, you (figurative mega swiller) are welcome to whatever you drink. I'd really like if you drank good beer too, as it has flow on benefits for my convenience, but I'm not gonna tell you to do so.

If you happen to feel guilty about some **** just cuz Toby maguire bagged it in public, it's ur friggin problem. I feel pretty disgusted seeing animal carcasses in shop windows, that's my damn problem.

Hey, I'm with you on his right to reject any dam thing he wants. But I'm also pleased to report I feel utter indifference, and certainly not even the slightest twinge of guilt when it comes to leather formed into comfortable furniture. Our three seater ensemble has never once caused me to reel back in horror, neither has the interior of my wife's Subaru.

In fact, as a motorcyclist who's chucked it down the road more than once, I owe leather a great debt as it's robustness has spared me from the inconvenience of skin grafts and plastic surgery. So when spiderman rejects it, I actually feel slightly affronted.

Leather work is one of the dying arts and a true test of the craftsman skill.
So out of Maguire's seemingly innocuous gesture, as so often happens with these Hollywood do gooders, the real victims are forgotten.

Tonight, somewhere an upholsterer is preparing his CV, but since he has no experience stitching hemp, his prospects look bleak.
Leather work is one of the dying arts and a true test of the craftsman skill

You should go offshore. Plenty of Chinese economic slaves are stitching up cowhide chaps by the thousands, and being paid $3 a day. Which is a great chance for us Aussies to get some cheap cowboy threads.

Hands up who's wearing chinese made undies ? Those beastly asians skinning poor Rover is an international outrage, but I trust that we're all OK with HUMAN exploitation. Sweatshop labour and humane practice make for cheap, cheap, cheap textiles.

Let's get our priorities in order ! Enjoy your comfy undies.
Hands up who's wearing chinese made undies ? Those beastly asians skinning poor Rover is an international outrage, but I trust that we're all OK with HUMAN exploitation. Sweatshop labour and humane practice make for cheap, cheap, cheap textiles.

Let's get our priorities in order ! Enjoy your comfy undies.

That's it, no more underwear for me. Please don't tell me that pants are also a no go. That'll scare the neighbours a bit too much.
Those beastly asians skinning poor Rover is an international outrage, but I trust that we're all OK with HUMAN exploitation.
I feel strongly about the emotional and psychological torture you are putting those poor innocent Indian scammers through on the free BMW thread. Your waving a imaginary tandoori chicken in front of their faces and getting the to jump through hoops like a performing dolphin.
Surely Scammers have rights and feelings too?
Oh the hypocrisy.

Your waving a imaginary tandoori chicken in front of their faces and getting the to jump through hoops like a performing dolphin.

Actually, its more fun to wave an employment contract in front of them. Anyone who deals with Telstra, Optus, Virgin, Vodafone,TPG etc are supporting globalised slavery. A conscientious , humane person would ditch their phone and use CB radio. Not the new ones made in Taiwan, but one of those old school yankee bricks. Ya copy that ?
You should go offshore. Plenty of Chinese economic slaves are stitching up cowhide chaps by the thousands, and being paid $3 a day. Which is a great chance for us Aussies to get some cheap cowboy threads.

Hands up who's wearing chinese made undies ? Those beastly asians skinning poor Rover is an international outrage, but I trust that we're all OK with HUMAN exploitation. Sweatshop labour and humane practice make for cheap, cheap, cheap textiles.

Let's get our priorities in order ! Enjoy your comfy undies.

Please refer to my first post that deals briefly with cheap labor.
Then consider the ramifications if we all decided to slam the door shut on third world / Indian / Chinese imports.
It's a world of mixed blessings, always has been, and the sooner people get their idealistic heads around that idea, the sooner they can stop grappling with their conscience.

That $3 may be chicken feed to us, but could literally be chicken feed a poor family who can raise those birds for eggs and meat.
Every time one of these factory's making 'chaps' decides it's all to much and locks its gates for the last time, that's potentially a another bunch of HUMANS who'll be picking through rubbish to feed their family.
These people know they got a ****** hand delt, but if you think you're doing them a favor by compromising their employment, I'd wager they'd more like to tell you to take your 1st world, feel good intentions and shove them up you're ******* arse than thanks.
I agree with you 100%, and it seems you are taking my snide sarcasm as literal. This all comes down the the arguement of misguided emotions. People can piss and moan as much as they want about other world food preparations, but a bleeding heart humanist cant just switch off the fact that animal & human exploitation is a part of all our lives, like it or not.

I had Peking duck last night - for $50 I think the chinese bastards up the road are exploiting me ! I'm writing on to my local member. Out-*******-ragous. Hell Tasty though. I think they drown the ducks in the yabbie tank immediately before basting them in maltose. There's certainly something fishy going on.

Edit: Im soooooo hungry

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I had Peking duck last night - for $50 I think the chinese bastards up the road are exploiting me !

If Buddhism and Taoism were religious movements rather than cultural, I'd be inclined to chalk that up to some form of karma.

But I would happily endure the 11 hours of cattle class just to sit in some nondescript back alley restaurant in Beijing to eat Peking duck and wash it down with icy cold tallies of Tsingtao.

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