If the majority of malt sold in Australia is sold with EBC ratings why do we keep seeing recipes quoted on the AHB with wanky yanky doodle ratings.
Are brewers out there going to the trouble of converting EBC ratings over to SRM or Lovibond to keep someone happy?
If we standardised we would have fewer discrepancies between shared recipes for instance.
Hugh Bairds, Fawcetts, JWM, Hoepfner and Weyermann are all rated in EBC, what's the go?
Are brewers out there going to the trouble of converting EBC ratings over to SRM or Lovibond to keep someone happy?
If we standardised we would have fewer discrepancies between shared recipes for instance.
Hugh Bairds, Fawcetts, JWM, Hoepfner and Weyermann are all rated in EBC, what's the go?