1) What inspired you to start home-brewing? Why do you continue to home-brew?
To be honest, a few of my friends were already brewing and I thought it seemed like fun. They did kit brews, which is where I started, but I advanced while most of my friends gave up either due to time issues or realising it didn't interest them as much as they would have thought. I continued because I realised there was so much to learn about beer and brewing, that there was so much out there. I also continued to enjoy the process of making beer and having made something good like this.
2) How did you go about finding the equipment?
I got most of my advice here, on AHB. I also learned how to be creative in my thinking and use what I have access to in order to do what I need to.
3) Was it hard to find the necessary equipment?
4) Did you buy a starter kit or did you buy the equipment individually?
I got a starter kit, but I added to it piece by piece.
5) What's the best part about brewing?
It's hard to narrow it down to one aspect. I suppose the sharing and socialising is the best part. Going to a case swap is a lot of fun.
6) At what age did you start brewing?
My first batch I made when I was 18, and it was terrible. I didn't start again until I was 21, and then I took it seriously.
7) How would you describe the home-brewing community in Melbourne, AUS? In your local community? Do you think it is growing?
South Australia- It seems to be reasonably healthy. While I'm a member of a brewing and winemaking club, most brewers seem to shy away from the formalities of clubs and be much more into impromptu get togethers, such as ones organised here and on other forums.
8) How often do you brew during the year on average?
12-15 times, 44-50L batches.
9) Is there any type of equipment that you wish it would have been easier to find?
Not that I can think of.
10) When you have a question about brewing or beer in general, where do you go for answers?
Brew forums, brewing books (such as how to brew, www.howtobrew.com), podcasts (I subscribe to the many shows on The Brewing Network) or magazines (I get BYO).
11) Do you experiment making multiple types of beer - using a unique blend of ingredients - or just stick with the out-of-the-box recipes? How do you find out about unique recipes?
I tend to get AG recipies from BYO magazine and then customise it to my personal taste. I'm always trying new beer styles, usually a repeat of a recipe is a long time after the first time I made it (for example there's a dark wheat dunkelweissen recipe I loved, and it's been two years- I want to make it this year some time).
12) Do you sometimes brew with other people?
Most of the time I do. It makes it a more sociable activity, and almost justifies the amount of pints I down on a brewday