Who Has Control Of Their Kitchen

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I was just wondering how many of the brewers out there still have access to their kitchen when it comes to brew day/night?

I have attached a photo of the final stage of my brew "In the kitchen!"


Not bad. though i am not kegging yet and only doing partials, mine would not look much different on brew day/bottling day.
reason is I have to do most coocking and cleaning the days I am home so part of contract is that I can brew in Kitchen. :lol:
Though was kicked out of the laundry :(
Lucky you Steve. I'm relegated to under the house, which is pretty low in places. Thank God I'm short otherwise I would have knocked myself out on the floor bearers.

Is that a gas burner I see under that keg.? Gee your missus must be understanding.


Dave :beer:
I have just finished the new kitchen so I think I would get shot. More room in the shed any way.

I just finnished converting an old four burner hotplate from a kitchen to run of an LPG bottle and that now sits outside in a custom made bench. use that for heating water for my kettle and the occasional bit of cooking next to the BBQ, nothing like brewing outside with the neighbors asking whats going on out there , Keeps My Darling Wife happy though

Lucky you Steve. I'm relegated to under the house, which is pretty low in places. Thank God I'm short otherwise I would have knocked myself out on the floor bearers.

Is that a gas burner I see under that keg.? Gee your missus must be understanding.


Dave :beer:
Yep! That's a gas burner under the kettle. I've convinced SWMBO that it helps with heating the house and will help reduce the heating bill.

It might be just my paranoia.....but lpg/propane is pretty explosive in the right mixture, might be safer have the boil outside?

This being said, I had my boil in the basement of my house whilst living in the USA, but I was running two big fans, one to pull fresh air through one basement window in and the second to push it out a second window.

Is that your handbag on the stool? Looks like you are still under close scrutiny. I would not chance it my gear is all in the shed.


You need alot of ventilation as there is plenty of steam produced during the boil. If you start off with 30 litres, loose 10% per hour and boil for 90 minutes, that is 4.5 litres of water spread throughout your house.

Think of when you boil a pot of pasta and the amount of condensate on the windows, then multiply it.

No good for wallpaper, electronic equipment, books and lots of other things. Great for mould production on the walls with associated health problems and sources of brewery infection.

Then we could bring in the resident safety expert and start talking about what happens when the dogs or kids run through the kitchen and knock the lot flying. If there is not enough ventilation, carbon monoxide poisoning could be a possibility. Feeeling sleeeepy.
My girlfriend goes and visits her familys on Sat, so I can do what I want....

As long as the kitchen is spotless when she gets home hahahaha.
Fortunately the bar has a kitchen of its own so I don't face this issue.

Just a lot of running between garage and the bar (and upstairs to borrow more kitchen implements...)

Just as well because our kitchen is way too small to include brewing as well...
The people I bought my house from built a little self container flat upstairs - so I have my very own kitchenette which is now by brewing kitchen.
Totally mine with lots of cupboards, hot and cold running water, and plenty of power points. very, very civilised indeed. At the moment the fermenting fridge is in the garage and I need to relocate it into the kitchenette when the weather starts to get to warm again for ambient brewing.
Considering I paid for the house, renovated the kitchen and do 80% of the cooking, I well and truly control the kitchen. This is also the reason I no longer brew inside, I don't want to damage what I have spent a lot of time and money on.

I still make starters etc in the kitchen, but this is just because I don't have a better place. The new house I'm building will have plenty of room and facilities to do everything in the garage.

Brew inside on the stove if you have no other alternative, but move out as soon as you can.

I have complete control of the kitchen between the hours of 12pm and 8am :)

No, my wife is pretty cool about the whole thing and like MAH I do most if not all the cooking (she is a shift worker) so the kitchen is my domain .

Not having an ideal set up I mash in the kitchen and boil outside
What the photo doesn't show is the back door which is out of frame to the left and the laundry door, to the right of frame. These are always open when I'm brewing.

As for dogs and kids. The dogs stay outside and even when they do sneak inside, the largest dog, weighing at a massive 7.5 kg, I don't think is capable of causing any damage: All three brewers assistants are scared of the flame. My daughter (Only child) is 16 and wont stay in the house when I'm brweing - off to friends every Friday night.

The handbag. Belongs to the female tenant of the house. She had just arrived home and anyway, mine's a different colour! :D

As for gas in the house, no real difference to having a gas stove in the kitchen.

The only drawback is that I have to bring everthing into the house and then return to the shed when I'm done.


The whole neighbourhood complains when I brew on the patio , I cant imagine what wonderful aromas permeate your house .

Pumpy :)
The whole neighbourhood complains when I brew on the patio , I cant imagine what wonderful aromas permeate your house .

Pumpy :)

What, .... complaining, in Pumpy Land ??????

That's a bit rude, isn't it Pumpy???

The whole neighbourhood complains when I brew on the patio , I cant imagine what wonderful aromas permeate your house .

Pumpy :)
I think of it as 'Air Freshener' The others don't: Then again they drink or like beer - the pagans!
Sure is Jase I reckon I was dobbed in one day as my daughter said "is what you doing legal Dad??"

I said " yes why do you ask" ?

Cuz the police came down to the to the garage with some dogs sniffing around .

The next Sunday I had a big blue helicopter hovereing over the patio peering into the kettle :huh: .


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